Magic stripes in Lumbarjack Black: 1 skein used with tiny left over for repairs, US # 3 addi for ML/US#3 DPN's! Like I said I learned a lot! Ribbing on the 2nd one was better, as was the toe decrease (made sure not to misplace stitch marker), and kitchner stitching was better. Had to redo the 2nd one last nite as I was watching the snowboard cross...messed up when a certain person fell and lost the gold. They are pretty comfy, hate the yarn, will only use it again to make DD's as I already have it in stash. I gave away the other ball to a Knitwhit member as she couldn't find it anywhere in town. Needles and yarn for next pair standing by. The length is ok, but next ones with be shorter, and definately anklets in the future too!
Knitting Olympics Update! Day 9! Only 7 more days!

It is posing on a box of Godiva chocs. My hubby's V-Day pressie from me! He's had a rough year and has deserved this! (I got a larger box so he could's chocolate you know ;)
You can see a ridge, that is the base and about 3" into the sides! Total is supposed to be 14" tall. Almost done skein 1 of the chocolate souffle, next skein about to go on! (2 in the wings!) Not sure how much more before I start the stripes..should have them started by tomorrow. Next 2 whole days off, no where to go..cold outside...darn, wish I had a fireplace...
Anyways...I am more of a crunch time accomplisher...and since the sock is done, nothing else gets done until this is ready to felt. A few of my co-athletes are finished...a lot of us not...we...will..perservere!!
FABULOUS socks!! A GOLD medal performance by the Zknitter!
And your lunch description is making my hungry.
Yah totally hungry now. Hooray for socks! They look great.
What a lovely SP stuff! Envy here!
Nice work on your socks!
Z, the socks look GREAT!!! I am very impressed! And what a fantabulous SP you have! And I love seeing a picture of you - a face with a name, blog, etc. :)
Heh, lumberjack. The socks look great! And your bag is shaping up, now that you're done the socks, I'm sure you'll get to flying on the bag. I really can't wait to hear about how it felts. I wasn't impressed with the felting of my Fuzzy Feet I did with the LP worsted. But since yours is a bag and doesn't have to fit your feet, I'll bet you can felt it more. I will stand by for results. D'oh and I fell asleep last night and missed the fall!
Your socks look great, and your stripes match up! Super job! I've been wanting to try that new Lumberjack yarn from Magic Stripes, and I'm glad to see how your's knitted up brighter than I had thought (for some reason, I had thought the black shades would be prodominant, but it is much prettier than I imagines!)
Cool socks! Too bad the yarn wasn't better to work with.
Great job on the socks! You go girl!
Such comfy looking socks :)
What will your next pair be? Black purl socks, maybe?
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