IGUANA! Yes folks a live Iguana sunning him/herself in my azalea bush! I could not wait to do this post as I got the pictures 2 weeks ago! I was home on vacation...was leaving the house and something made me look into the azalea bush...stopped the car, backed up and said to the kids "someone put a turtle or dinosaur toy in our azalea.." I got out and looked up closer...but not too close..its eyes blinked and turned its head a tiny bit..YIKES! Ran in the house and got a camera and you see the finished results. Where it came from, no one knows. It seemed to enjoy it's time in the sun..and if I find out it's not an iguana..eek! He took off shortly after and where he lives I sure hope is no where near my house!
I am off to the LYS...sure wished I was close enough for MSW...well then again maybe it is a good thing I am not LOL!
Holey schmoley batman! It's HUGE! You have a freakin' dinosaur in your azaleas! Very cool pixs btw :)
Omg, I thought it was a garden sculpture at first! Weird!
That's pretty freakin' cool. But on the other hand, these aren't native to your area are they? If not what kind of schmoe would let a very expensive pet iguana loose?
You're a good ABC player to think of "I is for Iguana" and grab the camera before he saunterd away. Being the chicken I am, I would have peeled out of the driveway and bolted.
And here I thought iguanas were green. You have a special albino iguana - his eyes match your azaleas. Coolio!
Holy cow! That's a surprise. I don't think I would have handled it so well if I saw an iguana in my azaleas.
That thing is huge. I thought it was a garden statue too, until I clicked on the picture! Very prehistoric looking.
Iguana...azalea...iguana...azalea...WHITE iguana...PINK azalea. How weird!
We have a bunny that hangs out in our front yard, but that's not quite as cool as an iguana!!
Gosh, what a HUGE thing this is! But it fits the color of the azaleas perfectly! Very courageous of you though to actually snap a photo of it, I would have been so shocked that I'd have run away quickest possible! :)
Oh my!!!! That is a big one!
What an incredible sighting! His/Her posture is so weird. Because it's standing up it feels so Sci-Fi or something :-)
Your azaleas are beautiful by the way.
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