Up early...day off...well nursing/chauffeur duties are required, I am here w/coffee and about to go knit...housework is taking the day off...well until this evening :)
Merino/tencel blend...oh so soft!
But I fear too pastelly for my SP!
Close up view and wondering if I should overdye it to make it more jeweled colors, hate to ruin it though. I have a few ideas courtesy of
Jen but not sure I should even touch it...
This yarn below is called the mess!! Let me tell you..first I immersion dyed it in 7 colors (mistake #1 too many at a time so they couldn't get the effect of the vinegar setting them...) So it was oven dried, rinsed, colors still not set...off to microwave...colors still not set, back to full immersion with vinegar...
And Voila!! It is actually a little more darker, but I think this will work. I have to admit with all the abuse, this yarn is still soft. It is a superwash wool/nylon blend.

So I think this will be my SP yarn, she likes all the colors included in here and I feel it is jewel toned enough. What do you think! BTW, she's just as nervous as me about this too, (meaning how her SP will like the one she dyes) and she's dyeing to meet me...hahaha! I also made an emergency purchase of more sock yarn, as I am not sure of the above and wanted an option to try 1 more time...hmmmm
The one on the left used to be Patons Classic Wool in winter white. Handpainted and I thought would be very dull, yucky..but I tell you when you skein the stuff up...so different..who knew! On the right is superwash wool/nylon blend in green. Tried to make it darker with the black but it kind of just deposited on the wool. Not sure if I should overdye it....I like it! All dyeing courtesy of me and Wilton's Icing dyes..yep
Turtlegirl the same stuff used for colorizing cake icings... amazing isn't it. It is cat/people/house/container friendly! :) Well off to knit and do said duties today! bye!
Beautiful job! I can't believe you did all that with icing dye. That still just blows my mind. I guess Kool-aid makes sense for some odd reason, but the icing dye didn't even occur to me. Sweet! Beautiful yarns. I bet you're already planning your next knitpicks order huh?
Great colors I wouldn't overdye that top sk at all!! Look youve been so busy those past few posts.. WOW!! Hmm now time to organize that stuff!! lol
All the yarns look just stunning! I don't think the top one is pastelly at all. I don't know your sp's taste, but I think anyone would be thrilled to get one of those in the mail.
Great, great, great! But when are you gonna open your etsy shop?
That first skein looks great, I don't think it looks pastel-y.
Your dye jobs are getting positively fabulous!
I love the pastels! You are doing such a fabulous job with dying. Can you come to my house and show me how to do it?? :)
Looks fantastic!
Wow! The yarn looks great! You are so talented!
Are you my Dye-O-Rama pal? I bet you are Z!! I love the jewel toned yarn you dyed!!
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