Finally finished these! My first Cascade fixation ankle socks. Many more pairs to come and I think they will go quicker if I don't get distracted by other knitting! This pair is ok, not the best fitting, but I will tweak my pattern more and add more rounds of knitting before I do the heel flap next time. I originally started them with 2 circs all the way to the foot part on the second sock...then I found these! Brittany dpns in 5"; size 3. It was like knitting with butta.. I really enjoyed these dpns...oops! shh don't tell anyone...(she knows too many ways to knit if SHE could just knit them a little faster...quoted by my sock yarn stash!)
I only got the 3's as I knew I'd be knitting a lot of these, mainly because I got a bit of the Esprit solids and multicolors.
My best surprise was my One-Skein SP package! Nice King-Tut yarn in a really gorgeous colorway! Included was a nice card and yummy Blackberry lip balm! Thanks SP!

Nice anklets!! I've yet to try the fixation, but all the ones I've been seeing lately make me want to try too :)
Love the ankle socks! I'm going to have to try a pair of these.
I'm with you on the crankiness, it's too hot!
Cute socks, they look really nice and cozy. I just bought a bunch of the 5 inch Brittany's, too. I am really enjoying the smaller size, now all the 7 inches I have are too long.
I think I have that same color for some ankles too, hmm seee told ya DPNs are fater..heehee....nice SP you have too! Love the color!
Hide that lip balm - if Hedera sees it I will have to take plane for USA to steal it from you!
Yep, my girl is lip balm junky!
The socks look perfect, really nice calming colors.
Glad you like your Brittany's. I only tried the 0 dpns, and one of mine snapped. I was just a tad stressed on that first Jaywalker sock, lol. I loved them while they lasted, and I know they gladly send replacements (if of course you remember to send them an email).
The King Tut yarn has always caught my eye for its shiny smooth look. Let us know how it knits up!
I love the socks, the color looks very beach-y.
Such a nice job on the Cascade Fixation socks Z! The next time I go to the yarn shop I am getting some 5" Dpns to try!
Nice sockies!
So, I have yet to try the Fixation. 1 ball per sock? Is that what you use? And is there a generic fixation pattern out there or did you modify one? What size feet range for the 1 ball per sock thing?
Your socks came out so cute! I have made zero progress on my 2nd pair but, for my 3rd, I think I'll follow your pattern you put on the KAL.
Nice yarn from your OSSP!
P.S. I love my Brittanys best but order them in sets of two because I've broken a few. I have to learn to hold them like eggs instead of my kungfu death grip.
Great socks! I have never tried Brittany DPN's, but I used to have a whole set of straights. I sold them to a friend because I went to all circulars.
The socks look great.
The King Tut is a beautiful colour.
Your socks look very nice, and so does that King Tut yarn!
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