Ok, no knitting content so I'll show you some yarns I've received in the last month or so...

Peace fleece in Ukranian Red, I'll definately order more of this for a cardigan next winter.

Treadsoft Handpainted sockyarn in Sunburst I won from Jen 's contest

Wicked by Heather
Hopefully knitting content tomorrow. I am still plugging away on my cascade fixation ankle socks. I did finish 3 flower washcloths, sorry packed them up before I took a picture. I've been a little tired this week, doing 3 people's jobs wore me out. I had to get a new encoded ID card for work...my picture is a sad tale...my eyes were these huge bags! ugh! No wonder I went to bed Friday at 7:30 pm and woke up Sat. at 8:30 am... I accidently deleted the file I use to upload my pictures from my camera..sniff...I loved that program...hopefully I can find it again...my other ones are not user friendly....On a good note, went shopping today w/DD and Bath/bodyworks had my favorite shower gel "Flowering Herbs" I got 3 bottles, they haven't had it in years..I may have to go back for more ;)
I've been meaning to get to b&bw for their sale, though I don't need a thing! :)
All the yarn looks good... cashmere socks!!
Yum candy! I love bookmarks too...like stitch markers and measuring tapes, I seem to keep misplacing them.
Such beautiful yarns! Cashmere..my favorite material of all. You sound like me, when you like something, you get several of them..just in case they discontinue it. That happens alot. Hope you get some much needed rest dear.
Hey Dye-Buddy!
Just wanted to let you know I've been admiring a pretty yarn hanging out back!
Dyed it all by myself, first time with chemical dyes!
Just hope you'll like it!
Leave it all and rest - at least for wnole hour! Put sign "Buzz off" in front of your!
BTW, what about Kyoto?? Did you think I forgot?!
Sounds tiring!!! All that yarn is so lovely to look at! AND...I have to do that with candy too (hide it) if I want to really enjoy it. LOL
Ooh, Heather's yarn is gorgeous!
Ohhh, such amazing yarns! I can't for the life of me pick one favorite - hm, perhaps the handpainted one in Sunburst? No, they're all so pretty, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you're going to make with it all!
I love that bearfoot sock yarn. And Jelly Bellys..yum...they are the best things to just eat one at a time and savor. Unles you get the nasty ones! :)
Ahhhh, yarn porn! I like them all. :-)
Those photo ids for jobs and the dmv, are just someone's evil experiment on how to use the worst cameras and lighting for the fugliest effects.
Yarn AND candy!? I'm not sure which to drool over. :P
Oh man those mini chocolate covered tootsie rolls are like crack....well I guess so are all those delicious yarns you posted too!
That last one is amazing! Yum.
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