Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Just Froggit..or not?


Yeppers...after reading Scout's post the other day...I wondered if I could do it...I mean could I really do it and not feel sick to my stomach. They weren't bothering me...but they also weren't being knit! So I give you the ... BEFORE:

Upper left: Aloo scrubby; 1/2 Yorick in cream; felted striped bag from one-skein in brown..oh you so could tell it was that couldn't you?
Lower left: duck blue??
Cutaway sweater; and to the right Kyoto sweater...So I held my breath and....

I did it! I froggit'd it! Ah-hah! I've been looking for my other 10 1/2 24" circ... let alone a few of the other needles. The brown, I'll use with the pink noni bag leftovers for something (maybe Center Square Hat from knitty) The blues are KP shine...just put away for something (although I may make Cutaway soon...I mean this summer, but no sense in 2 rows sitting on a needed needle huh?)

As for the Aloo smells, but I bet once knitted would make a fine exfoliator...I have 1 skein and partially frogged one if anyone's interested. Oh...something is missing you say...Yes, 1/2 Yorick was given a pardon. DD saw him and really wants me to I will..

She also saved me a big headache. She's more into reds/blacks so glad I didn't get more into Kyoto. I just happen to have some Sinforia in to find the same in black and to work on it this year sometime and finish it before she grows again! 12 going on 16!! Yikes!

I do feel better! It may not have been a lot and I still have a few saved WIP's that will be finished this year! I invested a lot of time in them, albeit not recently, but I really want to finish them!

Noni- knit end circles, felt, make a lining and other finishing
Mini Clapotis-finish it!
Pink lace scarf-do it!
Scoop- 1 front and sleeves...I can do it!
Weekend getaway satchel-intarsia (eek!), bottom, sides and strap; felt and finish

That's it! I thought it was worse!


weezalana said...

Congrats on the frog pond! I frogged a cropped hoodie a couple of weeks ago after two and a half months of no action. I'd simply lost interest in it. It was liberating to let it go!

Lauren said...

Go you!

Now you can do something else with the yarn... and the needles you set free. :D

Bezzie said...

Oh wow!!! You did it! Wow. That took a lot of courage--I have a hard time frogging something and abandoning it for good.

Anonymous said...

Good for you and your fearless frogging!!! How liberating! I probably could find a few I should frog if I dug around . . . but I think I'll hold off a little. I am going to try not to cast on anything new (except socks and KAL projects) until I've finished everything else that is on the needles. I figure if I resurrect them a couple at a time and really work on them, I can get them done . . . . maybe by 2009! LOL

Anonymous said...

Yep, you've got some courage alright, good for you! Did you do it quick like a band-aid?

I'm always wondering where all my size 6 denises' are, till I check the ufo pile. Sure, there's lots of stuff I could find to frog.....but maybe you've shown enough courage for the both of us. :)

Jen said...

Freedom, huh? WOOOOO!

sgeddes said...

Way to go! Free from those unfinished projects!
Sounds like we each have oppisite parts of the weekend bag finished. I need to do the front and back. I have the bottom and straps finished.

cpurl17 said...

UFO Freedom!! I have the sunrise circle jacket back and one or two sleeves I can frog...

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I myself frogged a lace shawl that I was half way through because I knew I would never finish it. I also didn't want to many unfinshed projects into the new year!

Anonymous said...

Oh! That looks a little bit painful, but I can see how it would be worth it. Unfinished projects can really feel like a weight around ones neck.

Rain said...

Yay! Good for you. I bet it feels great not to have them hanging over you.

Scoutj said...

See!!! Good for you!!

Anonymous said...



Happy New Year Z!

btw -- I frog stuff every coupla months. First time was hardest, but if you know you're not going to finish...

