Friday, May 25, 2007

It's YP Friday!! I didn't forget!

Just had some lighting issues, (my pics stunk...) too tired after a week of school award ceremonies, etc...oh well you didn't want to hear my excuses didja!

100% Merino Batting Bundle from Peace Fleece
(Colors: Yellow Butterfly, Purple, Hazelnut Berry, Mint and Melon)

Fiber in a Row

So very soft! And no, I'm not planning on spinning this..well I might give it a bit of a whirl who knows. It's to make felted soaps with this fall for gifts. Unless I do get a wild hair and spin it!

Peace Fleece Fiber Heh, what is it with me and yellow lately...I really do not like it all that much! ;)

Peace Fleece Fiber Hmm...purple ok, but Hazelnut Berry? Who cares anyways, I love hazelnuts and berries!

033 Interesting how the Orange is called Melon.

Thanks for the comments on my needle case. I appreciate it! The production will be starting in the coming week. I've got quite an email list going with some notes of preferences, etc. I will email when I have cases done and a variety you'll be able to choose from. I'll be trying to get box bags and small totes done as well in case you want the accessories. We'll see how everything goes! Thanks ahead for your patience though, which makes it easier for me!

Off to get the garage ready for my new washer...*cough* yarn reorganizing!


turtlegirl76 said...

Cool! I totally need to make some felted soaps. My friend Tvini just did a tutorial on her blog about how to make them here:

They're so much fun! And your poofs look so squishy!

sgeddes said...

Cool! I think the felted soaps will be great. That fiber looks so squishy and perfect!

Anonymous said...

Such pretty fiber!

Anonymous said...

Those are fun colors, they'll be great gifts! Though I definitely think you should try to spin at least a little of it. :)

Anonymous said...

You got me all excited thinking you've started spinning! Oh well, such beauiful colors of fiber will make wonderful felted soaps.

weezalana said...

I was intrigued by what the heck felted soaps were, so I did a Google search. Now there's something else I want to make!

Anonymous said...

A sight for my eyes!

Andi said...

What great colors! Now I have to find out what felted soaps are. Sounds like fun.

Mary, Mary... said...

Spin it-spin it-spin it. Bwahahahaha!

Jennifer said...

Oooo, roving! Very pretty.

I have a picture of Lyle up on my blog. :-)

Rain said...

Ooh they're pretty.

Catherine said...

lovely fiber! it makes me think of cotton candy and now i want to eat it.... something tells me it won't taste very nice... can't wait to see the felted soaps!