Sunday, June 17, 2007

Alive in a pile of fabric!

Yeah, I'm still alive out here and relish a few minutes here and there online!

New Glasses Geesh...I shouldn't even be smiling!! Eye Doc figured out something on Friday! *cough* my eyes are a bit, well, they needed more help. So now, I have to wear glasses ALL the time. Hey, I'm not getting younger, but geesh, I was hoping to hold off on bifocals until like I was 50 or so! These glasses...meh...I wanted something a bit more rectangular, but due to the darn B's had to get something a bit bigger. Good thing there is a 30 day guarantee...I still may change them.

ETA: Interesting, I thought only older eyes got bifocals, I'm finding out different! Thanks for sharing! :)

New ShadesBut these! Are me! They are staying! I love these!

So, if you see some person stumbling getting around out there, walking off the curb wrong, backing up and hitting a post, heck dropping stitches left and right and not noticing....well that's probably me trying to get used to these darned things!

PS: The headaches have decreased immensely! :) Eeek, maybe it wasn't the hair???


Jennifer said...

I like your glasses. I've worn bifocals since I was 18 months old. Ha!

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Well I'm glad the headaches have decreased! I'm sure the new glasses prescription helped!

Love the glasses, especially the sunglasses.

And, when do we get to see the pile of fabric again! Can't wait!

Sonya said...

Great looking glasses! I got bifocals in my early 30s. The first day I wore them to work we were shifting books in the library. When I got to the end of the row, I was taking books off a top row and putting them on a bottom row across the aisle behind me. Whoa! Can't do that with new bifocals!

Trillian42 said...

I think the new glasses look great, especially with the new hair!

Anonymous said...

Your new glasses look great, both pairs. And yay! for decreased headaches. Those are definitely no fun.

Anonymous said...

cute glasses! my parents have been wearing bifocals for years. i'll probably have to sooner or later because of my astigmaticism so you're definitely not alone!

cpurl17 said...

Cute glasses! My eye dr. told me she'd "break me in" by having me use reading glasses and maybe bifocals next year :(

Scoutj said...

Love the shades!

Anonymous said...

The glasses look great and so does your hair! Now go put on some lipstick and be fabulous. :)


I love the glasses - and what a great smile you have!!! Nothing like a cool pair of shades to make your day! Sue

sgeddes said...

New glasses and new hair! Look out!

Both pair look great! I really like the sunglasses too.

aija said...

I like both pair! :)

Karen said...

I think your new glasses are really cute!!

Bezzie said...

Love that pic of you in the shades!

Jo said...

I love the sunglasses :) You can be like my husband who misplaces his real glasses occasionally and has to wear his prescription sunglasses all day long... He bought Ray-bans so he could be like Johnny Cash so I think he does it on purpose sometimes!

Word verification: yfucoof

That's almost dirty!

The Kelly Green Rogue said...

The new glasses look great on you! hopefully once you're used to the glasses the headaches will go away.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain; I had to start with the bifocals in February. It's amazing though, now I can wear a watch again (couldn't read it before so stopped wearing it) and I can screen my cell and home phone calls (again, couldn't see the caller id before). So, I guess it's worth it.

Yours look great! Are the sunglasses bifocals too?

Dk's Wife said...

You're cute in both pairs!

Batty said...

Cool shades!

I've been wearing glasses permanently since I was 2, but bifocals are fast approaching. Nothing wrong with that. Women who fall all over everything because they don't want to wear the glasses they were prescribed look silly. I know, I did it for my wedding (can't wear contacts) and have the video to prove it!

Cookie said...

Needing glasses to is normal for some of us. ;^)

Cute frames.

Rain said...

They suit you. Hope you didn't have too hard a time with the 'falling over' stage.

KnitPastis said...

Those look great on you! Very chic. Your still a young one in my book.

Anonymous said...

Very cool!

Anonymous said...

Your new glasses look great! It's always a bit of an adjustment with a new pair, trust me, I've had glasses since about 11. I prefer to think of them as just another fun accessory. 8)