Someone who really wants to have her own craft room!!! hehe! The ever organized and still somewhat disorganized knitting corner! Hubby has the rest of those shelves for school books, etc. I've been kicked to the corner here, literally!

The sewing wall! Oh to just have a bit more room in the back of the sewing machine! Let alone my sewing machine back from the shop! (yeah I know your tired of hearing it, but man...I need to get sewing!!) You can see some cases in progress here

Words my family lives by!

Although hubby is getting a little brazen lately!! I've been seeing him eyeing stuff and moving his school stuff into my areas...hmmmmm men!!
Off to try to sew a bit, and knit!
Love the sign :)
Wonderful sign! Organised chaos, how geniuses work!!! :)
Great sign! We so need that here.
I have the same mess between my bed and the wall. Have you been to my house? :)
You need shelving. Immediately. Get thee to a Home Depot! :)
Love you!
Hey, where'd you get pics of my sewing room?
I joined the blogstalking thing too!
Bad boy, moving his stuff into your craft area!
Love, love, love the sign!
LOVE that little sign! Words i live by. :)
I NEED one of those signs!
A place to craft is so important! Everyone needs there own little spot, the sign is cute.
I love that your corners look like mine!
Aaaaaahhhh! What are you trying to do to my freakishly organized anal mind?!?! I want to come over and put stuff into baskets and pretty boxes and sort stuff by color and weight! Oh, wait - I just saw the sign. Never mind. ;)
Ah, so I see Hubster's not the only invader...
I love that sign! I SO live by that too! LOL
I am actually devoting today to get my mess in order! :op
And yes I lurk on your blog too! Haha!
Great sign and so true! Every time my husband tries to organize somthing I can never find what I'm looking for. He does however know not to touch my knitting corner.
I love that sign! where can I get one? My hubby goes on cleaning binges and moves all of my stuff. His, somehow, never migrates away from where he uses it. Convenient, eh?
I love you so much for posting these pictures!! It looks a heck of a lot like my craft 'areas'. I've got a few more hatboxes though. LOL!
Love the sign too.
Ok, now I don't feel so bad. I actually stood in front of my craft corner and said, "Boy, I've got to do something about this." And then I sat down until the feeling went away.
I need the sign for my desk at work!
love the sign! Btw, next spring I hope to have my own craft room!!!!!
Someday that craft room will come for you! For all of us!! Ha ha!
Omg, your craft room looks like mine!!! eeeee
You are so cool!
Hey, aren't you starting a super mega successful needle case business soon? I'm still drooling over the ones you made for ... um ... whatsherface!
I think I need that plaque...
OH, your corner looks like heaven to me. I love it!!
And I'll take another opportunity to tell the world how FABULOUS your needle cases are!!! My best healing vibes to your sewing machine.
oh my! I don't feel nearly so bad about my knitting corner now!
Love the sign!
I love that sign!
Z, you are my (lack of) organizational sister. I think our husbands might be related too.....
I should take a photo of my craft area(s)...I've got my stash in one place, my WIPs in another, my tools in another and my actual WIP at the time on my sofa.
(Oh, and my sewing machine lives on my dining room table, at the moment!)
Oh to have the space for an actual craft corner!
Oh, I was going to photograph my messy knitting corner and post it too, but I chickened out. You are a better person than me!
I'm glad you didn't get all existential on me. ;) The corner of my room is turning into your craft room. I love that little sign thingy! Totally pertains to my bf.
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