But....the back of the Everyday Cardi is finished! Started the 2 fronts. Hoping when armhole decreasing starts, I'll do it right...therefore, I have hung an "R" marker on the appropriate side.

Hey Shannon , glad we aren't racing! This is all I've accomplished on the socks!

Saw this color combo on someones blog. Liked it...cast on.. (ball band dishcloth, case you were wondering ;)

My great plans of sewing a ton of needle cases fell apart. Sunday, my sewing machine broke and it is at the shop...with like 20 other machines ahead of it. 2 or more weeks!!! ARGH! So I pulled out my trusty Singer. (hoping it still will after being neglected for like a few years...I'll be gentle with her, she's quite the workhorse and has made many a curtain, scrub tops, baby clothes, flags, almost anything and still was kicking.) Looks like a nice oil and cleaning job will be a little spa treatment for her.
Anyone wanting a needle case, hang in there! Hoping not too long.
My pal CBear is doing a bit of destashing as well! See her for lace, and sock weight yarns and some Malabrigo and Shine worsted (not sure how much will be left when you read this though) ;)
Thanks for helping with the destashing, there is still some available and I may do it again in the future.
Awww, that cardi is going to look awesome!
The Cardi looks great so far and love the colors or your dishcloth!
Tee hee, I love the picture of the little "socks". I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets startitus and then gets sidetracked soon after casting on! Don't worry, you'll get them all done and they will be lovely. I'm sorry to hear about the sewing machine - it's so hard to even find a place to bring them for repair these days, huh? Good thing you've got a back-up!!
Poor sewing machine! Poor you! I know my mommy was really sad and lonely when her sewing machine was at the repair shop.
Cardi is looking great!
What an amazing green for your Everyday Cardigan. Looks so lush.
Yay for the trusty Singer! That really is a beautiful green for your Everyday Cardy.
Love the colors of your wips! Ugh, sorry about the sewing machine. I have an ancient Singer that my mom gave me, it could probably use a spa treatment, too! But I'm just learning how to sew (properly, that is), so I can put that task off a bit.
Hope the machine makes it out of triage okay! I know al ot of people are wanting those needles cases.
I am a little further along on my socks - I'll be casting off the first one tonight. I thought about doing them both at once - but that always seems to make the whole process drag out to much for me.
I think there's a sewing machine conspiracy. Mine is heading to the shop as well. Sniff. But, I'm getting a lot of knitting done!
I love the colour of your cardigan!
Am I the only one who saw the socks started and took another look, it looked like under wires to me on a swift first glance. :)
Nice WIPs! So sorry about your machine!
I'm sorry about your machine! That's a bummer.
Good thing we're not in a race on the PF Ev. Day Cardi--you'd be kicking my butt.
Speaking of socks...I have to get my rear in gear..
Love that green!
hmmm, speaking of cases, just this weekend I was thinking how I need one for my dpns and how much I love the Options one you did for me, do you make dpns ones too?
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