So here you go, an update on my 4/C Midshipman, he's doing well and looking forward to coming home in 8 weeks!! He asked if he needed to bring his uniforms home and I said why...du'oh he wants a break from laundry...aha!

He was one of the Honor MUGs (Midshipmen Under Guidance) which was basically a 1 month basic training into the rules and regs of the Regiment of Midshipmen

My SAFF pals already know this information as he called me while I was in Asheville
Son: "Hey Mom, I just got back from the Navy Sub base, toured Nuclear Subs, I think I'm gonna go for it."
Me: "Um...don't they have a height dude aren't you too tall??? (fingers crossed)"
Son: "Good try Mom, um...nope!"
Me: "sigh"
YIKES! Ahem...not freaking out...really not (yeah right!) ...for 3 more years....dude, I'm gonna have white hair!
WHAT?!?! You can't possibly be old enough to have a son old enough to be in the military!!!!!
Yikes! I think I could handle knowing a kid was in a sub, but just not myself. Not that I'm more concerned with their safety than mine, just that I'm too claustrophobic to ever step foot in one of those things!
Oh my. He's really testing you isn't he? I'm glad he's excelling. You should be one proud mama.
OOOOOHHHHHHH Jimmy is sooo cute in his uniform. But do not tell him that. He would die if her knew that you were posting picturs of him for all of your knitting friends to see. :0) I know that you are very proud of him.....
He looks so handsome! He looks happy and proud, too. :)
Don't freak out. :) Hang tough!
Yarnsnob's comments are perfect.... what a cutie and you should be sooooooo proud!! And yeah, its okay to freak out a little, but try not to show it!! 8 weeks...time will fly by!!
Aww - he's a cutie! He'll be home before you know it, too.... :)
And I'm a Navy fan - I don't say it much, but I work for the Navy now... ;)
Hee hee! So cute! And so big!!!
Glad to see it looks like he is doing really well! You've got to be proud!
Just remember - he's got a lot of time to change his mind!! I started college as an Eco/Fi major who wanted to go into banking. Two years later, I was a Marketing major and went into advertising. So don't freak out - he'll probably change his mind a few times along the way. :) He sure looks handsome in his uniform!!
I think white hair will look nice on you. :)
He's so handsome in his uniform but still a baby boy too! Awww Mom, hang in there!
my girlfriend has a hubby in the army. He won't let her wash or iron his uniforms cause she "won't do it right". She's not complaining. He also does all the sewing in her house. When she needs pants hemmed (and she does, 'cause she's short like me) her hubby does 'em!
He's in good hands. And hey -- if he gets transferred to Norfolk….
White hair or not, I'm sure he makes you proud EVERY day.
What a cutie! He looks very handsome in his uniform.
Very handsome!!
Glad to hear your son is coming home soon! He looks great in his uniform, I remember the last pic you showed, now no more hair!
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