It's still so hard to believe that you are all grown up and in college.

You've had quite the amazing 2008...

Graduation from high school..

Hanging out with your sister...

Getting ready to embark on your future...

I wonder what was going through your mind as you looked at the ship that would be your future for the next 4 years, and about the intense training you were about to start an hour from this picture....

What a rush this must have been.....jumping from the ship and swimming away...we had no doubts you could do this, you know being a life guard ;)

Sigh...my little popeye...learning to stand at attention...

Becoming an ROTC Cadet...

Learning to play a new sport, Rugby (he's in the gray sweatshirt)...

As you completed your first phase of training by becoming a 4th class midshipman....I wondered if you wished I was there to do your laundry ;)...all these uniforms that have to look just so...

Going to your first Navy Ball...

Seeing you with no hair is going to take some getting used to! Studying for your finals (9 total...ick) So glad I'm not you..... I hope you are ok, spending your first birthday away from home. Also hoping the cake that is to be delivered to you is almost as good as mine ;)
(So glad the college has fundraisers for this, so you won't think you are forgotten)
I can't believe in 1 week you'll be home, looking forward to me doing your laundry, driving your truck, eating foods you can't find in that small college town, visiting friends and family, bothering your sister....and just chilling for a while. You deserve it!
awww. congrats Mama. You did well on raising your young man.
Happy birthday to both of you.
What a handsome young man. Enjoy your visit with him!
Aww - happy birthday! Such an exciting time for him! :)
He's a handsome young man. Looks like you did your job well Mom.
Oh, you're making me sniffle at your proud salute to your birthday man.
Hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating!
You have every right to be proud. I thank him for his service!
Happy Birthday!
Nice job, Mom. Give him a hug from all of us when he gets home.
i need a tissue.
one special man, and his extra special momma!
oh good. I thought I was the only one getting all emotional with the pictures!! So proud of him, and so proud of you!!
Hope he has an awesome birthday!!!
Happy birthday to your handsome son!
Ahh, how sweet these photos are! Happy Birthday to him!
Darn you Zonda I had to break out a tissue for this one. Is Alexa wearing a dress. I am telling everyone that she was!!!! :0) Know that you ar super excited about Jimmy coming home..
Happy (oops, belated!) Birthday ZSon!
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