Interesting colors....

Browns, blues, purples, reds, greens....not too bright and not to pastelly either.

Hehe..see it is a finger! Maybe it'll be mitts in another life...you know to go on my bony fingers!

Hedgehogfibres 21 Micron Merino Wool Top
Bony Finger Colorway
You'll see this again, in skein form...stay tuned!
Ah yes, I've been wooed by a name too. Can't wait to see it spun!
I was wooed by the yarn I'm using now. It is named "Little Black Dress".
I love the colors in Bony Finger --- but it's such an ugly name for a beautiful roving. LOL
Thanks for sharing. I'm learning how to use the drop spindle so I'm totally fascinated by fiber now. (Just what I need, another addiction :)) Can't wait to see them transformed into skeins!
Just gorgeous!!! A bit like Beached, don't you think?! Can't wait to see it spun up!
Oooh, I love the colors! you go girl with your spinning!
That is very pretty! I can't wait to see how it looks spun.
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