Sunday, June 06, 2010


Knitting denial that is.....a project that you have a little feeling isn't quite "right" but you go on...blind faith that it will all work out. Then one day, you decide to really check things out after spending a little over 2 months on it as you just can't deny it any longer.

I had started the sleeve decreases immediately. There was no way on earth I would decrease enough to fit me. I decreased every 5th row....just not enough...
what's wrong...

I only had to knit until mid forarm for my 3/4 length sleeves, but seriously, who was I kidding. The sleeves are more than 3" too big for my arms. I don't wear 3" thick shirts...not around here anyways... Let alone the "extra" fabric around the armpit was a bit uncomfortable.
You see it wasn't just the problem above....

Neck back ribbing....yeah it looks a bit big here. Not talking about the 2plus inches of it either.
too big...

I'm talking about the poufiness of it!!! WTH! Why didn't I see this before! If this would have been the only problem, I would have ripped back and started again.
The sweater is knit on US 8's, the ribbing also. Big mistake on that. Plus I think i picked up way too many think ;)

Oh and if that wasn't enough for you to feel sorry for me...
Um...see 2" too big on the sides...ok, maybe only 1.5" (I don't want it that tight ;)
so only 3" vs 4" too big around!! I don't normally wear anything on top with stripes around, they normally aren't very flattering on me. I just love this colorway so I took a chance. I'm not a linebacker thank you very much, and I'm not that big either...not skinny but you know...
No I'm not a linebacker!!

So I pondered for a little bit and decided I wasn't happy and would never wear it, so I started frogging it. I planned on frogging every stinkin' stitch! It was as tough to frog as it was to knit with my hands. So I took a break or two.

I frogged down to where the start of the sleeve split and thought..hmmm wait a minute, this is top down, maybe if I try this on and see if this meets the underarm area enough...I'm knitting not sewing...maybe, just maybe I can get this to work.

Too many sts....
You see that black stripe at the bottom, surrounded by the beige. I never did like that stripe anyways. It was my attempt to "make" the colors go the way I wanted to. telling Noro yarn what to do...

As you can see...
Back to not quite the beginning
It's back on the needles and that Charlie Brown center stripe is gone. I'm going to knit a few rows to make sure I've got my raglan markers in place (I'm on a purl row now) then split for the sleeves, and try on again. Doing this should take almost 2 or more inches from the underarm. I'm starting to realize, I don't need the pattern for this or the stitch counts...that's what got me into trouble. Gauge was fine, I picked the wrong size I think. Either way, I'm winging it from now on!

I did try it on before I put the needle back on and I'm thinking very positively for the first time in a while with this project. But...I am a bit sick of this project right now too...thinking I'll take a wee break and work on this

Start of Liesl Sweater


IrishGirlieKnits said...

Oh no!! You are a brave soul!! However those colors are just gorgeous on you, so I'm glad you decided to stick with this. Yes, my first two top down sweaters were too big in the exact same way. I read the trick was to stop a little before it seems like the right place to stop in regards to the underarms.

Good luck second go round!! And yes, a little time out may be good too!!

Peri said...

It is such a hard thing to do though. I did the same yesterday with something that I've known for two weeks was wrong - I put it aside, thought long and hard and then.....frogged the lot. Felt better afterwards.

turtlegirl76 said...

Good for you for frogging! I bet you could frog back to that pink stripe above the Charlie Brown stripe and it would fit perfectly.

As for the ribbing, don't look at the stitch count you're supposed to pick up. Just pick up 2 stitches for every 3 rows along the side, one for every stitch along the back neck, and you'll be good to go.

Kaye said...

What a bummer!!!

Elspeth said...

I hate that! I'm in denial in many projects myself, but I love when you can rip it back and make something out of all of that hard work!

Lynn said...

I hate when projects turn out the wrong way! Smart girl for ripping back, but even smarter to take a break from it. I can never knit on something that I just ripped out.

cpurl17 said...

Oh I so feel your pain! It's going to be so great tho' when it's done so it's worth the extra efforts! Knit on!

Carol said...

I am feeling exactly the same thing. My Wing It cardi is just...wrong. mostly it's the fronts that are giving me fits. However, the thing is knitted in one piece from the bottom up. sAnd after messing with it for 2 weeks trying to fix it. It just can't be fixed. I'm frogging the whole effin thing and starting over. sigh.

weezalana said...

Glad you're sticking with it! You are a champ for frogging, but you'll be so much happier than if you knit an entire sweater that doesn't fit. Ask me how I know this. :P

Liesl is a great pattern!

freshisle said...

Too bad, but it looks like you're headed in the right direction now. The colours are so pretty.

Acornbud said...

Oh yikes! Sorry about the sweater. Had to be done. Good thing you had a fall back wip:)

DPUTiger said...

Good for you for tackling that Noro sweater and making it into the sweater you want. That's why we're knitters!