My new owner/momma found me in this place where she spends alot of time. Those teenagers, always doing something involving these little squares with writing on them. I think it's called a keyboard....

Then I spent some time in the kitchen with my momma's momma. Sigh..I was looking out at the back yard at this huge furry animal and wanted to go play. I was told it wasn't a good idea, I could lose some stuffing, arm or leg...hmmm

Here I am where I usually live. Right beside my momma on this pillow. Gosh, has she got a lot of men/boys on her wall. Some of them are pretty darn cute too ;)

Ok, so my momma's momma was a bit lonely one night...she let me rest here for a few minutes...

What the heck is this wheely thing and's not very nice to rest people on pointy objects...sheesh!
I have to admit, visiting the forest was pretty fun too. Swinging around while my momma's momma was trying to take a picture. If I had a tongue I would have stuck it out at her!

Iris the Gourmet Monster from Dangercrafts
Cascade 220 Handpaints--red/black
US 5 circs & dpns
She looks like Domo's little sister.
Very cute.
SO cute!!!
Very cute! I love her underbite!
Cute granddaughter you've got there! :-)
So cute! I showed my girls and now they each want one.
Dear Iris,
I especially like your smile!
Cute! :)
Nicely done! Both with Iris and the storytelling blog post!
So cute!
Oh I so love Rebecca's patterns & yours is great! :D
Dangercrafts rawk! Lovely job with Iris!
OMG Adorable!!!!
Awww, so darn cute!! Love the shot posed on the spinning wheel!!
funny creature! And momma's room looks pretty much like my daughter's!!!!!!
How cute is that?! Love it.
What an adorable creature!
Ahhhh! TOO cute!
That's so cute! I love her patterns. You reminded me that I needed to get some so I got a 5 for $20 deal. :o)
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