My spinning guru Megan spun this!
Yummy creams, browns, strawberry, and pinks

You see, I had a yarn in my stash that she needed for a project...she had just finished spinning this and didn't know what to do with it...

I was drooling over it....so we swapped for it. Win/win for both of us!

One day I'll spin that thin...one day ;)
I'll be knitting lacy baktus with mine! This cannot be socks, it needs to cuddle my neck ;)

Merino/Bamboo/Nylon from Bee Mice Elf
Clover Colorway
3.6 oz
approx. 200 yds of squishy, soft fingering/sportweight yarn
BTW, she's updated some new yarns and reduced her prices so check out her shop! Wayward Yarn & Fiber
You are so good to me! Beautiful pictures, girl! They really show off the fact that this yarn haz teh shiney!
ooh, pretty. I knit some socks this year with a yarn just those colours. The colour was called Briar Rose (I think). What will you make?
Happy Friday :0)
That's gorgeous and will make a beautiful shawlette!
Lovely! It looks good enough to eat and will make a very pretty baktus.
Ohhhhhhhhhh, that bamboo will feel so good up against your neck. Pretty color for sure.
That is some gorgeous yarn!!! It just *looks* soft!!
Holy crap--she is a guru! I can spin that thin, I just can spin that EVEN. LOL! Very nice!
That is insanely beautiful yarn! Have fun knitting with it.
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