10 intentions in the new year!
1. Declutter house more--we're doing pretty well. (lived here 21 years) College guy has brought down a bunch from the attic (still more to go up there, we hate climbing those fold out stairs...) I just need to sort and repack, then move what we are keeping to the storage unit. Then we start on the inside of the house...y...i...k...e...s!
2. Work out more --we joined a new gym as ours had closed (yahoo, it was gross, and well take my word, it was gross, no wonder I hated going there)the new one is wonderful, airy and has a cool indoor track to walk/run in. I want to do Zumba, pilates or yoga...I'll need to work on the stress....it may get worse before it gets better...
3. Read more--again, work on the relaxation.
4. SEW!!! Gosh, I have like 2 needlecase wannabe orders (nothing until college guy is outta my sewing room though...) 2 hanging quilts waiting to be finished.....
5. Spin more--most of the time it's so relaxing to me...when I'm not worried about getting it a certain weight of yarn...
6. Sleep more--I need to go to bed earlier. I'm a night owl and that's all in good if you don't have a day job outta the house...otherwise...dinnertime wants to be nap time...
7. Knit from stash...yeah lots of peeps say that, I joined a Stashdown group on Ravelry...didn't need to, but they make it fun...plus I see some of you are there too ;)
8. Hang out with hubby more--yes, I said that ;) We celebrated out 25th anniversary on the 23rd. Whew, been married more than half my life. ...wait a minute...has it been that long?? On the outside I may look it, inside nope. Heck, I don't even "feel old enough to have a 21 yr old... We are looking at a possible separation for a few months if he is finally blessed with a new job. PLEASE job fairy....visit us!
9. Try to eat better. We really try to, and most of the time successful. I just need more of the food groups and eat a snack more often to help with the blood sugars. MUST get them lower, I really don't want to become diabetic.
10. Patience--I need to better acheive it...need to calm down...some things are not in my power to change or help...can be very frustrating at times..
So, what are some of your intentions this year...
I am right there with you on almost all 10!
Happy new year!
Sleep more, that's a good one! Or learn how to speed sleep :-)
Number 1 --- is to eat better. I'm doing pretty well, but I need to do better if I don't want an increase in my diabetic meds in Feb.
Number 2 --- SLOW DOWN --- I run at a million miles and hour and then wonder why I feel burnt out.
I think I'll just work on those two. That should be challenge enough.
Happy New Year!
That's a great list. I need to join a gym. I might have to look into that. But in the meantime, I do know I'll be intentionally knitting from the stash, as well as my library stash. And I need to spin this next year. Didn't touch my wheel at all in 2010. Such a shame.
#1 can happen if the job fairy visits. Unfortunately that takes a lot of #10. Which I'm no good at either! Ha ha!
2011 will be a good one. I like odd years.
We just finished the spring cleaning/decluttering -- only 2 boxes left. It's so liberating, I highly recommend it!
I'll be destashing right along with you. Yay, destash!
I think I could just repeat most of yours. Relax, eat right, exercise more, knit from stash - all sound perfect.
Are you sure you're not my alter ego? I'm pretty sure I need to do all of these things! We did do a major purge with our recent move, so that's a little better than it used to be, but clutter happens so quickly!
Knit from stash is huge for me. Destash is also huge.
Hope you have a great New Year! Wishing for the job fairy to bless you too. He just blessed my brother today.....maybe this will spread good cheer!
Take care!
Yep I'm on the same site on Ravelry. I did really well this past year, but it's fun to watch others go thru the same thing!
and we will be celebrating our 25th on the 4th. Amazing how quickly the years go by! However we waited to have kids so my oldest is only 12.
I will be knitting from stash in 2011 too!
Mine are EXACTLY the same as yours - except for the spinning one, since I don't spin. But in place of that, I'll say stay in contact with my friends more. I've been terrible about phone calls lately. And I've even been pretty sucky at blog reading / commenting and emails - as I'm sure you've noticed. So yeah, I need to work on that in 2011!!
Yes, your 10 are pretty universal. I've been knitting from stash mostly this past year (a few things snuck in, but it has been pretty easy to resist temptation). I have a plan of attack for stash/Christmas 2011 knitting. All will be revealed......
Happy new year Zonda, it has been lovely following your blog this year. I hope 2011 brings you where you want to be.
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