Favorite Holiday Traditions!

Photo of our last tree in North Carolina. As of tomorrow, someone else will be placing a tree there...who knows in the same spot??
Onward to the traditions!
1. First, and most important is a real Christmas tree. I know one day we may have to have an artificial one, but not in any hurry. Yes, they shed needles, but how hard is it to vacuum? LOL! When we lived in Maine, we went to the same tree farm for years. Hoping to find one here in AZ.
2. Holiday movies- Hubby has to watch all the Scrooge movies, in fact he watched 2 last night. Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase is a must as well. White Christmas, Elf, Santa Claus, Holiday Inn and of course the Christmas Story.
3. The kids like to open a gift on Christmas Eve. You wouldn't think at 17 and & soon to be 22 yrs old they would outgrow it...nope ;)
4. Russian Teacake cookies, some call the Mexican Wedding cookies. Hubby's favorite.
5. Mini cheesecakes, my Mom's recipe. Half with cherries, half plain.
6. Standing Rib Roast and scalloped potatoes, along with green bean casserole. Sometimes I do cook a ham as well. After cooking for the holiday, I love to eat nothing but leftovers as long as possible.
7. I have some decorations I've had for years. Many with sentimental reasons and put out every year. Must get them put out ASAP!
8. Tourtiere Pie - My French-Canadian grandmother made this every year!! After she passed I missed it so. I haven't made it in a few years, but I plan on this year. Even though I don't have her recipe, you know her special touches, this recipe is pretty darn close. We usually eat it on Christmas Eve and I cannot wait to smell it cooking ;)
9. Last minute crafting - be it knitting, sewing, or baking I always think I have enough time. I'm always up late doing something. Why should I change it now ;)
10. New tradition - I attended our little town's tree lighting ceremony and light parade. It was very small but enjoyable. The next town over has one as well, I plan to attend both next year :) So nice to be out wearing my handknits enjoying the cold.
Your traditions sound lovely!
I think next year I am going to make an effort to go to the Winter Park parade. I was too late this year --- found out about it the day AFTER.
Oh my gosh! My Memere made that same pie. I don't remember it as fondly as you do though :-) But a memory it is and we've not had it since she passed away.
Jealous of your cold! It's still too warm here!
I'm with you on the real tree--plus pineneedles in the vacuum bag smell great when you're vacuuming in January!
Re. #3, some things you never outgrow. I'm almost 30, and although we don't do the Christmas Eve gift anymore, I think my family is baffled by the fact that I'm still up at the crack of dawn every Christmas morning, excited for Christmas. They don't mind though. I'm quiet, and the coffee and tea is ready to go by the time anyone else stumbles into the living room. :)
I totally agree with having a real tree. Our tree this year didn't smell very much (bummer!) but it's totally worth the needle dropping.
and I can't believe that "It's a Wonderful Life" is not on your movie list. I didn't manage to watch it this year, but as far as I'm concerned, it's in the conversation for Best Movie Ever.
Mexican wedding cookies are my favorite too! And I bookmarked that Tourtiere Pie. Sounds delicious!
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