Ten things you can see from your favorite knitting spot, which is my fiber/yarn/fabric studio.

Well here's a picture of it to the right....

and to the left.....
1. Sewing machine and projects in process.
2. Spinning wheel at the ready.
3. Pile of crochet potholders I've received in swaps, awaiting the install of this.
4. Extra chair for a visitor, come on over!
5. That huge mirror...well there are 2 of them. Ugh...have no place to store them so here they stay. This room was decorated as a workout room before we bought it. Don't like the colors, but they'll be staying for a while.
6. Tub of destash yarns/fibers awaiting to be purchased.
7. Red bag on left is holding just purchased quilt fabric...itching to start that one.
8. Size like 50 needles I got on a whim as I had big plans to do big needle knitting...um..er..not yet. (in front of red paper bag.
9. Basket with new club fibers awaiting their turn on the wheel.
10. Cool curved cover box that houses my circular needles.
There you have it, my place of escape. Off to escape to it now...have a knit to finish :)
Nice knitting spot!
WEll it looks like just the place a creative mind would nurture!
I love that your swift is set up permanently! I'm guessing that's the benefit of a fiber ROOM! :-)
Love all those projects just ready to go!
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