In 8th grade, it was still a requirement to take either Home Ec or Industrial Arts. I was definately not going to take Home Ec...learn how to cook, sew and knit??? No way I was a tomboy!! That was girly stuff! (well ok, I had been learning to cook, my Mom was teaching me so I could help her out) can guess what I picked ;)

I can't believe I still had them. In 1976-77 I chose the Industrial Arts class and I loved it. Before we could start any part of the project, we had to do a line drawing.

I learned the proper way to use tools, both hand and electrical.

You can see some pictures were graded pretty good, a few were

It all resulted in what you see below...

A Pump Lamp!!! Sorry for the small photo, I searched the entire interwebs and couldn't find any close to what I made. I have no earthly idea where this finished lamp is...sniff....I sure wished I did......
Very cool!!!! Too bad you dont know where it is. HOwever you still have the plans for it so maybe you could make another one!!!
LOL! I took shop class too. One year I did take Home Ec, I think because I had to, and got in trouble because I would hold the pins in my mouth. We were learning to make a pillow. Problem was I had been making my own clothes since 5th grade and was bored silly!
Wouldn't it be fun to have that lamp??? :-)
I took metal shop AND wood shop along with home ec. I was much better at the shop classes. I was a total waste at sewing. I still am.
You are one cool chick Z :0) I took "Building Studies" instead of home ec - brick-laying, painting, joinery and plumbing. I liked the brick-laying best, plumbing a close 2nd. Nothing quite like weilding a welding torch ;0)
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