Here is the lovely cowl, pre blocking....

Post blocking by steam. Yes you can see where I changed colors here, but on it doesn't show. I surely did not want to alternate skeins....a sweater yes, a cowl no!

Posing on a fence near our apartment. These black fences are all around here in horse country. I personally love them. Not good to keep a dog in, but love the look...

Close up of the stitch detail, looks so hard, but so easy to do.
I did all the pattern repeats and it is wide, but I like it fine.

Can you see my pal there, he was not impressed by the photo shoot.

Worn single looped, it is long....
Worn doubled so much better!

Silver Gin Fizz by Thea Coleman aka Baby Cocktails
The Plucky Knitter Traveler Aran in Skies of November, 2 skeins
US 9 circular
No mods as I was test knitting this. Love it! Soft and comfy and next up or should I say very soon, a hat in the same yarn!

I LOVE IT!!!!! What a great color for you too :-)
Love the cowl!
This is awesomee
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