Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Weekend!

Hi! Hope everyone had a nice weekend, whatever you ended up doing!

What you see below is what hubby/kids got me for Mother's Day. Yeah, I know some would call it a kitchen item. But, I seriously doubt it will get much kitchen use LOL!

My New Toy

A perfectly divided skein of Colinette Jitterbug in the Toscana colorway. From what my pal Cpurl just experienced knitting with it, I better make these toe ups for sure! I have size 8 feet! Yikes. I showed hubby how I took the previously wound cake of yarn, wound up half of the total weight, cut, then wound up the rest, placed both on scale, and voila! He walked off, shaking his head, he had no idea why I really wanted it. He knew I was going to use it with knitting, but he didn't know how.

Spring Fling Pal I was so surprised that my Spring Fling pal informed me of another package! I got this yesterday and due to extreme thunderstorms and iffy internet access yesterday and part of today, I couldn't post. Dark Milk Chocolate bar, both my favorites in one bar! How cool is that! Project Bag, CTH sock yarn in Country Garden, and Rocket launcher with extra rockets. (is that a hint?) My son has been eyeing them. I've kept him away so far!

Project Bag A close up of the project sock bag(what I call it! ;) Fabulous fabric!! I just love it! It has the hook clasp so I can hang anywhere!

Project Bag I love the lining as well!! Awesome colors! Inside are the
Red Dwarf Socks from Turtlegirl! Check that pattern out!

Thank you so much Z Spoiler!! I see both packages have different mailing addresses...hmmm trying to confuse me! (well I guess it's my turn, since I do it to others LOL!)

As for knitting, the cotton blankie was put on rest orders...or should I say I was self put on rest orders. I needed it, the wrists and the area between the thumb and first digit (oops I mean the pointer finger were so sore!)

I had a difficult case at work on Friday and due to the extreme cotton knitting, I had to soak the hand before the case. I survived the case fine, but my hands were sore. In my job I scrub in and assist the Dr. with wires and catheters, etc. (don't want to bore or gross you out!) so suffice it to say, they just weren't as flexible as I like! **note to self: Duh!! when you KNOW you have a difficult case coming up, lay off the cotton!** /end note to self!

So, I cast on a Magic 28 sock. I'm halfway done sock 1. I couldn't work on my Red Dwarf''s either, nor my Gryffindor's due to daughter being home all weekend, nor the 2 bibs. Sigh, well tomorrow is another day! I'll show you pics of something else I did this weekend!

Have a great week everyone!

PS: Hi to my Sockapalooza Pal!! Thanks for visiting!! I hope you have fun knitting my socks!


Jessica said...

Sweet. Congrats on the scale and your sp package. Hope you had a happy mother's day!

cpurl17 said...

Whoa! I love it ! That scale is way cooler than my old weight watchers scale!

And great goodies from your SP!

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Happy Mother's Day Z!! Hope you had a wonderful day! I love the scale! Your husband's reaction made me laugh!

Love the SP goodies!!

weezalana said...

Great package! Is it wrong that *I* kinda want to play with the rocket? ;)

I have that scale, too, and I looove it!

Anonymous said...

Oh yummy, what a package - how great is that?! And yay for the scale! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see you had a good Mother's Day :-) LOL! Your pal did spoil you well :-)

Yes, your socks are coming along nicely...but they will stay a secret until they arrive in your mailbox! :-)

Batty said...

That's some great spoilage, both from your DH and your pal. Happy (late) Mother's Day!

Bezzie said...

Man I'm jealous. I dropped the scale hint. It was ignored!

Anonymous said...

What a great Mother's day gift. I wouldn't know what to do with out my scale!

The package is wonderful and that sock bag is so cute, nice fabric!

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful Mother's Day giftie! Will definitely come in handy.

turtlegirl76 said...

Eeeee! Red Dwarf sock sighting!

Happy Mother's Day indeed! Awesome scale.

Rain said...

People wonder why my scales live in the lounge. The muggles just don't get it. Great parcel and I love the bag.

Anonymous said...

Great Mother's Day gift! I've got a different Salter scale, but isn't it terrific for planning your yardage?

Definitely get those hands well rested. Make sure you take lots of breaks from cotton knitting, very tiring (not to mention all your work-related strain too)!

Jennifer said...

Awesome scale and what glorious goodies!

Anonymous said...

What great gifts! Happy Mother's Day!

KnitPastis said...

Fun toys:) Totally in love with tis Jitterbug colorway!! Reminds me of Kogiu.

LadyLungDoc said...

Oh dear...I have size 11 feet. I guess I better find a nice lacey pattern for my Jitterbug yarn. The Bluestocking pattern by the tsocktsarina is looking like the most likely candidate.