Saturday, May 19, 2007

I've been tagged...

It was a matter of time. By Anna.

The rules are :List 7 random things about yourself. Tag 7 others, direct them to your site to get the rules.

1. I used to play the drums in high school. I carried the big, bass drum for a parade and got one of the mallets caught in the folded down roof of a convertible (how, I have no clue!) and it flew out of my hand. Some nice standerby picked it up and ran it down to me.

2. I used to play the cymbals in same said band when I wasn't needed for #1. Ahem..leather handle strap to said cymbal came off during a very important time! you say Star Spangled Banner time....(eeek!)

3. I love the smell of fresh cut grass! I even had a candle that smelled like it once.

4. I miss Maine, so very much! Even more so, now that I've met a few fellow bloggers who live there. Little do they know how much I enjoy seeing the Maine around them...

What's worse is my family is going to be there in July and I can't be...I'm on/call, my coworker is on vacation, and as my son so eloquently put it "why would a hospital have only 2 people that know how to operate/take care of certain types of xray exams!!!" Search me! Sigh......I'll miss my 20+ year College reunion too...OMG, did I just say I've been out for 20 yrs...I am way too young..just way too young. ;)

5. I miss Country Kitchen Chocolate sugared doughnuts. Hoping family will bring me home from said trip.

6. In college, I used to type (yes, with a real electric typewriter, no computers then!) research, etc. papers for the soccer players and other students. It was not unusual to find me on a Sat. or Sun. out in the front of my dorm room (ours was 1 story, opening to the outside world for the upperclassmen) with my typewriter on my ironing board, typing away. Ahh..those gorgeous soccer players just smiling for me and offering me bottles of kahlua for payment. Heh, they never did ask me out though! Losers!

7. After I had my son, I kinda went crazy. Long, acrylic nails with snake skin, rings and a Z on them. I had one Doc stop his surgery to check them out..I was like hey, lemme get my gloves on and get your xray! Dirty looks from the staff! heh!

Short, very short, like 1 1/2" hair that was very red! I'll try to find a picture. You see, after being brought up very strict and not allowed to "live free" ahem..well hubby has had to go through it with me!! Hey, 22 yrs later, he isn't gone yet! ;) Although, he did recently comment about the yarn corner/other storage

So, probably more boring stuff about me than you wanted to know huh! Well I won't tag anyone, go for it whomever wants to! I know it's not the same..but I have a knack for picking peeps that don't like them at all...


Anonymous said...

This was fun to read, you learn so much with these memes

Anonymous said...

I spent six straight summers as a kid at sleepover camp in Poland Springs, Maine. It will ALWAYS be my favorite state, and I miss it terribly especially since I know I will never live there. I'm a city mouse now... it's good to hear that it has a hold on other people too, though.

Thanks for the support in leaving the yarn wall. Let the muggles complain. :)

Jennifer said...

I love the visual of you, your typewriter on an ironing board, working outside your dorm!

Bezzie said...

I would seriously cry like a baby if my husband and kid went to AK without me. That freaking sucks that you don't get to go with them.

weezalana said...

:( that you're going to miss Maine and your college reunion. But hopefully you'll get some donuts to console yourself.

Fun facts! We really must see a pic of you with the red hair!

Anonymous said...

We all want to see a picture of you now :)...c'mon :)

Christy said...

I love reading these.
So sorry that you won't be able to make the vacation. I missed my family's yearly vacation for the first time last year, and I was sad.

Mary, Mary... said...

I love the idea of snakeskin nails and all of your 'happy' flowers. Yay for color!

Batty said...

Snakeskin nails! Fierce!

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ the nails. it's always good fun to read odds and ends about people. thanks for playing along! :-D

i love the color of your sewed up swift bag! wish i could sew in a straight line!

Anonymous said...

Guys are clueless. I think you'd have had to put out the vibe in order to be asked out!