Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ode to the Turtlegirl................

Yes, this post is dedicated to Cristi aka Turtlegirl!

She created this cool sock pattern I couldn't wait to try with yarn that is perfect for down here in the South! She calmed me down while I was freaking out over the YO short row heel. I emailed her many times this week while I was trying to figure this out! I am by no means a SRH expert, but I really wanted to do it! It was taunting me, and I was so gonna get it no matter what!

I searched online, and followed instructions step-by-step, but they still left huge holes! So after about the 8th frogging (yes, I am a glutton for punishment, but the yarn is awesome, it held up very well!) after whining again to Cristi, she told me, just do a regular SRH, it'll be fine.

Well, it sat in time out for a day and when I picked it up, after telling myself it was OK to do a regular wrap/turn, I realized, I was already in the middle of the YO short row heel I had forgotten I started it again prior, so rather than frogging...I went for it.....again!

Red Dwarf Socks
So as you can see, I was finally successful! Was it the time out for the day, was it Cristi basically telling me not to stress out over a heel that made the difference......

You really want to know what it was...........

I forgot the last YO!!!!!! yeppers! Everytime I did it, I didn't do the last one! How do I know you ask? Cause, the one time I did the last YO, thinking to myself...(eek I think I forgot this YO) worked, it left no hole... It may not be perfect, but I did it and about to do it again and hopefully not 9 times either!

Red Dwarf Socks

Red Dwarf Socks
Wick Yarn in Painted Daisies

Off to get the other one done!! May it go swiftly! This is a cool pattern and thank you Cristi for being so patient with me!


Bezzie said...

Woot! That's a pretty yarn too!

Eight time is the charm!

Jennifer said...

I love the colorway! Yay for figuring it out!

Jessica said...

Congrats on figuring it out! It's cool to tweak the pattern on accident. We all do it. :D Love the yarn.

cpurl17 said...

You're the little knitter that could!! Congrats!

Have you knit the STR Grasshopper socks yet? The pattern has a YO at the end I kept forgetting it so I frogged and will start over!

Anonymous said...

The sock is lovely! YAY for you for doing it until you got it right!

turtlegirl76 said...

YAY!!! You not only got through it but you finished! Awesome! Yay!!! I knew you could do it. =D

Karen said...

Hurray!!! It's so great when perseverance pays off! The sock is pretty and the heel looks wonderful.

KnitPastis said...

You can do anything! The looks like some nice squishy soft yarn!

Anonymous said...

Cute sock, and your heel looks great. Sometimes it just takes a while before something clicks, then it's easy peasy.

Anonymous said...

Nice yarn - great socks!

Chrissy said...

The heel looks like it turned out well in the end. The whole sock looks awesome, btw. Very pretty.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Oh...soooo pretty!!! I'd already loved the pattern, but I just love the color yarn you used!! Great job!!

And good to know, Zonda means alien. hehehe.

Anonymous said...

What a great sock! That's some stick-to-it-ness you've got!

Anonymous said...

Yay for figuring out the short row heels - I'm about to give this a try today as well and reading through your story sure made me worry a lot - but then again, I think with a lot of determination like you showed it should be possible to get it done! You did an awesome job with it, and this sock looks absolutely fantastic - I adore the colorway too!

Traci said...

hey, that turned out pretty well. the colorway is great! you know the next one will be perfect don't you? now that you've been so intimate with the pattern...

JustMe said...

Looks great! BTW, I have found your blog through Robin's site (yarncrawl) - I do a lot of knitting and have the urge to sew a LOT more - have not done that for weeks (this dress is to die for)!

Anonymous said...

It came out beautiful!

Batty said...

Beautiful sock. Cristi rocks -- and so does your knitting!

Carol said...

sometimes a time out is just what's needed.

Dk's Wife said...

Very pretty Zonda!