Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Say Hello to.....

My new little friend!

I present Fergie, my little French Canadian Frog! Yes, I can call him French Canadian, cause that's what I am, that and Cherokee Indian.

Fergie the frog!
He's a new Kritter Case I've seen around the blogs. I knew I'd probably never find it around here, so when Scout had them for sale, I snapped it up as soon as I could!

See, he's opening his mouth for you!
Open yer mouth!

See what I can hold for that crazy knitting lady that owns me so far! Hehe! The only thing I can't include for travel is a spare dpn and crochet hook, so that will have to go into the project bag.

Hey, here's some knitting! Another pair of Magic 28 socks! 2 down 26 more to go! (hey, I have a while to do so!)
Magic 28 Socks

Lamb's Pride Worsted in Chianti
Size US 5 KP Options, Magic Loop

Done, one pair that was OTN! Now to get the other 4 pairs done so when my Sockapalooza 4 pal's yarn arrives, I'll have a needle free to knit them! Still deciding on a pattern. So I'm stalking her blog hoping to get ideas!


weezalana said...

Oh, that frog is just TOO cute!

cpurl17 said...

Oooh! Rain will be jealous! :) What a cute froggy and cute little socks.

Anonymous said...

What a cute froggy! Great job on the socks!

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Fergie is tooo cute!!

Bezzie said...

Oh very cute! I don't think I could ever make a cheap knock off of him! ;-)

I hadn't heard of that Magic 28 site before--very cool!

Virtuous said...

Ah you got a froggy too!
Sheep in the City posted a blog entry on her frog not too long ago! :o) Turtlegirl would love it!

Karen said...

Awww, Fergie is so cute!! I love the action shot - it looks like he holds much more than I would have guessed.

Macoco said...

That frog is really cute!

lobstah said...

Hee hee, that frog makes me laugh :) Very cute!

sgeddes said...

That frog is so cute! Love him!

Jennifer said...

I snatched up the Crocodile! I'm calling him Lyle. Aren't they the cutest things ever?

Anonymous said...

Zee frog, he is cute, no?

Jessica said...

Welcome Fergie! May your bell be full and your heart be fuller? I dunno. LOL

Anonymous said...

How cool ist that frog! I love it!

Anonymous said...

C'est tres jolie!!! And I love the swift bag, too.

Elspeth said...

What a cute frog, and I love that tape measure!

Anonymous said...

Socks are great, but Froggy is irresistible!

Anonymous said...

Great Frog!

I got to your blog via Jen's. Any interest in making another set of bags JUST like hers?

I am definitely interested!

Anonymous said...

eek! What a cute little frog. I love him :-)

Traci said...

oh my frog! could he be any cuter?
my daughter would go bananas over that thing.

the socks look great in that color. i'm looking around for sock ideas too. do you have any suggestions?

Batty said...

That frog is great! How can you not smile every time you open its mouth to get out a knitting gadget?

roxy =^o^= said...

WAAAAAAH! I want one!!!!


It's too cute - great job snagging yours. Of course they're sold out when I go to buy one hahahaha

You have too much style and savvy for the rest of us boring people *wink*
