I was on the Knittyboardstm discussing our sock addictions...whether it be collecting yarn, patterns, books, needles...and knitting them or not...well I got a little side tracked. The sizzling should have let me know...but this sock madness...almost claimed dinner...at at Chez Z...that is a bad, bad, thing ;) (well sometimes I can do 2 things at once!!)
I did rescue most of it...it is sitting in another pan oozing with butter, parsley, onions, and parmesan cheese, waiting to be eaten along with the rest of the dinner I can proudly say, survived :)
The pan is soaking as we speak...dunno if it'll ever be free of spaghetti!
Knitting news tomorrow... :)
Glad you were able to save most of it. That is TOTALLY something I would do - burn food because I was knitting or online.
Heh. Whoops.
If you still have some crusty stuff stuck to the bottom, put some water in the pan and bring it to a boil. Let the water boil and scrape the pan with a wooden spoon. Just like deglazing a pan to make a sauce. It helps!
Personally, I can tell you that I rarely burn food because I rarely cook--hahahahha
The KnittyBoards are a major time taker, the worst is when dinner doesn't even get started!! But chatting about knitting is so fun, so I think you sacrificed your noodles to a good cause ;)
I do that all the time. Unfortunately, I can't blame knittyboard for it. Just my own inability to decipher what "frequently" and "occasionally" means when given instructions to stir.
LOL..I do that too!!!
I have to tun my computer off when cooking dinner, otherwise that happens so easily :) Knittyboard can be especially captivating (doesn't help that I refresh it too often!)
Good luck with your pot, I'm sure it'll clean up-- when I burnt rice ot the bottom of my caldero (aluminum pot), I couldn't get it off until I boiled water in it on the stove, adding water and eventually the gunk let go. I wasn't going to let go of the pot that easily :)
Good luck with the pot, hope it all came out for you.. This does happen occasionaly.. the knitting thing just assumes yoru life sometimes... lol So sorry hope you enjoyed the rest of your dinner anyway ;o)
I've been there. Just have to read one more thing on Knitty! One more blog! Damn, there goes dinner! Sometimes I set the timer on my oven to remind me that there is life outside the box.
Been there and it's happened while I was watching the darn thing. I use it as an excuse to get the new cookware that I've always wanted but can't justify buying.
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