My Magnolia Tree! I have always loved the scent of these trees and when I first moved to the South I always wanted one. However, I wanted a big one, beside a house with a huge covered porch, with a swing, with a........ Ok, real life now!
I planted this tree about 14 or so years ago. For years, it was nothing more than a stick with a couple of leaves, nothing else. In the last couple of years, it has grown a bit, but usually only 1 flower per year. Hubby wanted it cut down, I said no! I have no green thumb, usually everything I plant dies...but not this! you can't cut it down. He doesn't like the leaves, I admit they are pretty big, but we have pine trees that shed more than this does!

The bottom leaves have been growing like crazy this year, kind of filling in I think. It started out as tall as I about double my size!

On the knitting news, GG is going ok, on body island as it's called I guess. (Turtlegirl76, I am trying to finish!! :) Also trying to finish a sock for my sock-a-month-kal and a pink hat/scarf set too. I joined the Monthly Dishcloth KAL but have yet to complete the first one...oh well. At least I'll have the cool patterns.
Oh, this brings back memories of living in Louisiana for sure. It is probably my most favorite tree of all. I am not getting much knitting done these days. booo
Just wait - in a few years you'll be able to lay underneath it and be rained upon by petals.
And listen to your DH curse as he rakes them up ;)
LOL, I always picture all the houses in the South as big plantations with huge porches and magnolia trees?
What a neat tree! I bet it smells nice too!
I need to make more dishcloths wheres the link for the KAL maybe it'll modivate me and I can get you going too ;o))
Dishcloth KAL? Now, there's a KAL I can get into. ;)
Beautiful Magnolia. They're everywhere around her e.. though I don't have one in my tiny yard, sadly.
The magnolia looks great, good thing you didn't chop it down.
So pretty and it's fun to watch any tree you plant grow from a little stick.
Oh, I so love Magnolia trees! We have a couple of them closeby, and when I walk in that direction, I never fail to take a couple minutes and enjoy the beauty!
I love their blooms but agree with hubby on the leaves.
Oh, magnolias...they are so magnificent! Something I will never have here in the great white north ;)
Sigh... I admire people who make things grow. I have the black thumb. Plants die horrible deaths around me, no matter how hard I try to keep them alive.
Those are gorgeous magnolias.
We have a magnolia tree too! It's in our front yard and makes everyone want to park in front of our house to steal our shade!
Those trees do shed a lot, but they are so pretty!
I used to have a magnolia tree years ago, but it was crushed in a storm. They are pretty, aren't they?
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