Thursday, October 12, 2006

Double URGH!

And if it happens a third time this week...I'm out!!

Maybe this is a week to sew as the needles, yarn and me are so not working out. I thought I'd work on my oldest UFO Scoop du Jour as I look at my first toe-up socks, 3 purses to be done, um..tons of other stuff. But no, I wanted to work on this for some mindless knitting...a rest so to speak after the lace frogging. (don't worry, only 1/2 frogged!)

So, here I go merrily away knitting on my left front. I get the the armhole shaping and it is going swimmingly, I'm on Knitty chat last nite having a great time and making tremendous progress. Tune into today during lunch....I'm at the neckline decreases/shaping. I No pics as I'm at work, oh well. Never mind that before I found this out I had frogged back about 15 rows due to my interpretation error of decreasing every row at the neckline (K row, K2tog, P row, P2tog)2 times!! Here I am inches away from binding off when... look at it..hmmm the neckline is supposed to be curved, thus the "scoop" neckline....hmm...why is that jagged looking bind off there. It was "key word-was" supposed to be a left front...well suffice it to say, it is back to 14" and ready for the first set of armhole decrease...AGAIN!!

Will I knit more when I get home, do I dare....things come in threes you know ;) Is it because I am sitting here waiting for a plumber to call to fix a leak in my hot water heater?? Could that be the "3rd" thing..can you see why I don't want to knit more on my toe up socks?? Other socks are calling my name, scarves, purses, dishcloths...will their call be answered??? Am I just a square thing, sock, hat, scarf, and purse knitter? Will I ever "get" a sweater done...can I do it?? And by all means the question--will it fit!!! I have like 4 other sweaters to do. It is not the pattern, that is is me. I feel this way sewing clothing for myself, thus, I don't do it. I sew square and sometimes rounded things. :(

Good thing YPF is tomorrow. I need to cuddle with my skein about to be exploited tomorrow...I need some fiber love....

ETA Then I arrive home and this is waiting for me!! My own Ballband washcloth, and I didn't have to knit it. (well I need to knit some..yarn is awaiting!) Thanks String Bean


Rain said...

Oh what a pain in the bum. Hope it works out better next time.

Bezzie said...

I'd say knit a dishcloth next. A nice square thing you can let the "third" thing come and mess up. I admire your perserverance. I would be the one who kept on knitting anyway despite the fact that I messed it up. (and it wouldn't fit!) I hate frogging!

Jerry & Maxy said...

Ack! I hope it works out better this time...

Jennifer said...

Oh, I'm sorry! It's such a bummer when a streak of bad stuff happens. Having dealt with the water heater thing, the silver lining is once it's fixed, it's fixed.

Anonymous said...

I hate it when that happens. Right now I have a pair of socks that I just can't get right.
Good luck!

cpurl17 said...

I'm like Bezzie, I'd keep knitting hoping that some miracle will happnen and it will magically fit.

hang in there!

KnitPastis said...

Oh no, not the Scoop Sweater. Just hope this frogging streak wears off soon:) You know I would love to see this sweater finished. Frogging, ha, just happened to me tonight too on my other sock. I got it back to wear I need to, put it down for the night and will pick it up again maybe this weekend.

String Bean said...

Frogging - boo!

Washcloth - yay! ;)