Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Well, Pink scarf #3 was not meant to be!! I HAVE to mail tomorrow and as you can see....

See that blue arrow to the left...um..see any difference in the fabric?

Well, have you figured it out?

Yes folks!! I knit at least 6 or so inches on the wrong side!!! This scarf has R and W side and it would be fine twirled around on your neck showing either side, but it's not supposed to be both R and W on one side! You see my needle just above the idiot mistake where it was frogged, put on a stitch holder and promptly placed in a bag with the other skein and pattern. In time out! I will finish it soon, just need a break! Sniff...it is so soft too!! Maybe I need to find someone locally to give it to.


Bezzie said...

At first I didn't see it. But then I enlarged the picture. OH NO!

But I guess I'd have to see it in person to tell you if a non-knitter would actually notice!

KnitPastis said...

Ohh I hate that you work so hard and then had to frog it. Good for you giving it time out until it behaves:) Could you maybe donate it to someone that lives near you? That would even nicer to give it to them in person.
Did you get the cabinet stained yet?

Anonymous said...

This scarf is bugging you, right? SO sorry to hear it! Specially because I cracked it within two days!

Jen said...

Oh no! But you know, I often find with lace that after a do-over - just rip and restart - I "get it" the second time. So maybe you can remake for someone? You can do it! Or not. :)

Sarah said...

Oooh... That sucks. I've done that before...with Cozy.


Rain said...

What a pain in the bum. Hope you get it sorted.