So I wanted to do a contest! Since I knit and sew I combined an unknown number of stitch markers and embroidery threads! Heh! Let me know the approximate amount of thread and the amount of stitchmarkers. The winners will be determined as who is closest to each..meaning 1 stitchmarker winner and 1 thread winner! So give it a go and let me know either in comments or email me at zbelmontATmsnDOTcom.

Click on pics to make larger! Yeah I know you all know that LOL!
Prizes will be personalized to your sock or regular yarn tastes! I'll close the contest on Monday the 18th at midnite and announce the winners (well the next day LOL!). Oh and if there is a know that random number generator thingy!!
Another thing about the blogging/Knittyboard world is the SP Swaps! Here's my latest and last one for a while..need a break LOL! The Knitted Purse Swap! They are starting a second one after the holidays if you are interested. My pal Bekka sent me this purse and these goodies! I love it and as you can see below, it is quite full, just as hers is I sent her LOL! Funny thing is, we both made each other similar purses....hmmm

There are quite a few people I'd love to thank over the last year with my blogging! I'd ask tons of questions and they all were very patient and kind about them! Heather for telling me I could do it!! Jen for making me a fabulous header! Cristi for helping me with flickr stuff and meeting her IRL! and all of you that stop by and visit! I've met friends from all over and I love it! Continue to stop by and I'll try not to bore you too much!
Have a great day! :)
Happy Blogiversary!!! I'm so glad you decided to start a blog too. :) Many more happy blogging years to you!!!
Okay, the contest. Gosh, I'm bad a these, but here goes. My thread guess is 18, and my stitchmarker guess is 80. :) :) :)
Ok, I'm going to say 11 thread and oh boy....36 stitchmarkers.
Happy Bloggiversary!!! I'm glad you started one too!!
Eech, is that metallic thread easy to sew/quilt with? I remember my mother tearing her hair out using that stuff!
Happy Bloggiversary!!! You know how much I love your blog!!
Let's see...I'm lazy so I'm going to sponge off Bezzie and guess 12 threads and 38 stitchmarkers!
Bezzie! NOPE it is hard as heck! You need to have a special metallic needle and still it sometimes messes up..thus,'t get used a lot! ;)Course I didn't know this when I got it!
How about 9 thread spools and 42 stitch markers?
16 threads, 39 stitch markers?
Happy Blogiverary to you!
I'm going to guess 10 threads and 42 stitchmarkers.
Happy Blogiversary! I'm going to guess 13 threads, and 63 stitch markers.
I'm terrible at this game but I say 15 threads and 40 stitch markers. Cute purse!
Happy Blogiversary!! I'm really glad you entered the world of blogging and share your wonderful craftiness with us all. :)
Hmmm, I'm gonna guess 14 threads and...maybe 47 stitch markers?
Nice bag, and truffles, YUM!
Happy blogiversary and many, many more!
Great purse!
I'll go over the top and guess 16 spools of embroidery thread and 60 stitch markers.
Happy Blogiversary, Happy Happy Blogiversary!
Hmmm, how about 11 threads and 32 stitch markers? Happy blogiversary. I just had my 1 year a few months back. My husband teases me, but I love my knit blogging buddies!
Happy Blogiversary!! By the way - I heard back from a quilter, and I hope to get my quilts finished off in the new year!!!
13 spools, 35 stitch markers.
I guess 11 spools and 36 stitch markers. :)
Happy Blogiversary - and yay for many more years of great knitting, fantastic pics and entertaining entries!
Yummy, a contest ;) Now, let me guess: I'd say 16 threads and 54 stitch markers.
What an amazing purse by the way!
Happy Blogiversary!
Great purse and goodies you got :)
Lets guess... I say 15 thread spools and uhm 55 stitch markers.
Happy Blogiversary! Love the purse!
My guess is 10 spools of thread and 100 stitch markers.
Happy Blogiversary!!! (((HUGS)))
I say 13 spools of thread and a helluva lot more stitchmarkers than you'd think. 115.
Happy Blogiversary!
I'm going to guess 12 threads and 52 stitch markers.
Happy Blogiversary!!!
I think there are 17 spools of thread, and 83 stitch markers.
OK, I'm going with 15 spools of thread and, um, 42 stitch markers. (Can't imagine where I came up with that number ;) )
And Happy Blogiversary!!!
Tag, you are "it" (well, one of 6 "its", to be specific). See my blog for the meme.
Happy Blogiversary! I have enjoyed your blog and you my dear so much, so here's to many many more years of posting:)
Ummmm, 17 threads & 47 stitch markers!
Umm, I would say 20 spools of thread and 78 stitch markers.
I have enjoyed your blog this year!!
Happy blogiversary Zonda! My guess on the jar is 13 thread spools and 82 stitch markers.
Happy anniversary!! I'm so glad to have found your blog, it's awesome! Definitely adding it to my bloglines.
I'm going to guess 13 spools and 38 stitch markers. :)
Happy Bloggiversary! I look forward to the next year.
I guess 14 spools and 87 stitchmarkers.
p.s. The bag you received is lovely.
Happy Blogiversary!
I say 13 spools of shiney pretty thread and 92 stitch markers.
Cute bag!
Happy blogiversary :)
my guess is 18 spools & 113 stitch markers
Happy Blogiversary! A year goes by so quickly, doesnt' it? guess is 13 threads and 27 stitch markers.
Your new purse is cute!
You have been tagged. I would like to hear 6 wierd things about you... See my blog for the meme.
I almost want to have another baby just so I could name her Zonda B.
But with my luck, I'd probably have triplet boys.
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