Hmmm a few of you have meme'd me...LadyLungDoc and Lynn and I'm not doing 12 weird things about me...none of you would ever return here! ;)
THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.”
Six weird things about me:
1. I have a bridge phobia..I'm talking about bigggg folks out there with your Golden Gate, Brooklyn Bridge, Tappenzee, GW...etc...the list is long... I hate them...I hate to drive over them..I can be a passenger, but it totally freaks me out to be the driver! (I'm still not too great being the passenger either!) We are talking white knuckles...sweating, hyperventilating...just going crazy. Could it be that when my Mom was pregnant with me, she rolled/fell down a hill where we used to live...the river was below and the bridge to the right of the hill. (obviously she didn't fall in..hehe) Whenever I have my bad falling off the bridge dreams, I am right on that particular hill, waking up just before I enter the water...FYI for you Mainer's the Older Waterville to Winslow Bridge across from the old Hathaway Shirt Co. It's not a big bridge either..but it's just a bridge. I can walk over it, and have done on this bridge many times growing up and staying at my grandparents. Maybe it's just the big ones...hmmmm!
THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.”
Six weird things about me:
1. I have a bridge phobia..I'm talking about bigggg folks out there with your Golden Gate, Brooklyn Bridge, Tappenzee, GW...etc...the list is long... I hate them...I hate to drive over them..I can be a passenger, but it totally freaks me out to be the driver! (I'm still not too great being the passenger either!) We are talking white knuckles...sweating, hyperventilating...just going crazy. Could it be that when my Mom was pregnant with me, she rolled/fell down a hill where we used to live...the river was below and the bridge to the right of the hill. (obviously she didn't fall in..hehe) Whenever I have my bad falling off the bridge dreams, I am right on that particular hill, waking up just before I enter the water...FYI for you Mainer's the Older Waterville to Winslow Bridge across from the old Hathaway Shirt Co. It's not a big bridge either..but it's just a bridge. I can walk over it, and have done on this bridge many times growing up and staying at my grandparents. Maybe it's just the big ones...hmmmm!
OK, still reading?? ;)
2. When I got to sleep, I have to first start on my left side then onto the right side and end up on my stomach...why, not sure!
3. When I sew multiple projects, I have to sew all that needs a certain color of thread in one group, then change thread to finish. (no threading is not hard..just one of those weird things!)
4. When I start to knit socks...I keep thinking to myself why am I doing this?? Then I take a look at the beautiful yarns I have and that I truly love to wear handknit socks...(need-to-knit-more!) and I get over it..but it happens every single time!!!
5. I really only like to do long-tail cast matter if I have to re-cast on due to not enough yarn left. (yes I know that you can knit it on the missing #..and sometimes I do and sometimes I have no choice and can't!) I've tried others and if a certain project requires that it MUST be a certain cast on..then...maybe.... but I really love LTCO!!!
6. My kids (12 & 17) say I'm weird and I embarass them in public...(dancing in the stores to the music, be-bopping in the car, etc)..why...Haha!! Payback baybee!!!
Okay, there are more weird things about Name for instance...more on that next week...hehe!
So're it if you're reading this and want to go for it!!
So like for the knitting see 6...yes 6 cloths! I am soo done! Well except for 2 in cotton chenille I have to do this weekend! And no that isn't any new fangled is soap...Z and A's to be exact! Red chunks are Apple scented and the Green semilunar (half-circle) are Cucumber Melon! It was fun...the white base is goat's milk soap base. I still have honey almond to make later this week. I'd love to try more natural products as I have super dry skin..anyone have any good sites to get some products. I don't want to do tons of this. Just a batch or two when I need to!

Whew...thanks for the comments and reading my blog this last year. I promise to post the winners Tuesday after I get home from work! I have to go and get these goodies above wrapped for school tomorrow!!
Yay and congrats --- and oh I love the dishcloths ;)
The dishcloths are gorgeous! Did you make the soap?
I totally enjoyed reading through your meme - and I'd *so* love to see you dancing in public and embarrassing your youngsters one day ;)
Your cloths are absolutely amazing, actually you inspired me to try them too - after the holidays that is! And the soap looks - and sounds - *so* yummy! Did you make it yourself?
heeheee, I am right with you on the bridge thing. Always have been.
WOW! LOVE the soaps and washclothes! Really do! You made them look so beautiful and I am thinking how good they must smell. I have only been usually all natural soaps too. Cherry Almond is a good scent and I love coconut too.
The dishcloths came out beautiful!! You're so talented! :)
The soaps look so beautiful and I bet they smell great! What a cute gift idea with the facecloths.
Well, the Bay Area would not be the place for you as we've got 7 bridges. :-)
Very cool! Love the soap!!!
And check out how those dishcloths bred!!
Hmm when you come visit we can ride BART UNDER the bay to get to San Francisco. Although, for you,I'd drive all the way down to San Jose and up the Penninsula so you could avoid the above mentioned 7 bridges!!
Someone tagged me with this last week, but I'm insisting I'm perfectly normal (apart from that toilet monster thing...)
I love that you embarrass your kids in public, I thought that's what they were for.
You know, I can't find the Christmas Sugar 'n Creme anywhere! Phooey. I love the cloths. Is that from last winter's Creative Knitting? I made a bunch of them last year. It's an easy pattern to memorize.
My best friend in high school has the same bridge phobia. And it was even worse when we'd have to take the ferry over to Vermont! Poor thing hyperventilated every time and it took forever to calm her down. I feel for ya on that one.
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