Unfinished Projects!!
These below are Unfinished Knitting Projects! Hey, not as many as I thought!! Not too bad! They'll all get done, one day! ;) Click on picture to see notes if you want! :)

Not a bad little pile I must say! But we won't talk about the Projects Not Yet on Needles!! Nope we won't mention them one bit! :)
Until you cast on, those projects don't count!
You're so close on some of those knitting UFOs! You can do it! Go Zonda, go!
I like to think of it as "seasoning" the wool, like they do with expensive cuts of beef.
that isn't bad at all, it could be much worse. i have so many unfinished items...i really should count them up.
We must be twins separated at birth or something. I, too, have a whole 'not yet on the needles' and 'WIP to be finished... soon' lying around the house. It's bad.
And, of course, I'm constantly looking at other patterns...
YOu know, I have been trying to have more than one UFO - but I failed! Somehow I am delaying everything in my life, but knitting ... no way!
What is with purses/bags and lack of motivation to finish? I have all the pieces knit for two purses and just can't bring myself to finish them! I don't want to sew the lining!
Oooh... Unfinished. I've got a bunch myself! Amazing how that happens, eh?
Girl get a big pice of batting and some temporary adhesive and put those tops on it with the same backing, then cut the lot apart! Get those quilts done!
Not bad! My unfinished knitting projects pile is looking a little scary!
Hey that noni bag looks familiar! Every time I pass mine I think, I've GOT to get that thing in the mail to Zonda but methinks that after Christmas, when things calm down will be better!!
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