Friday, March 16, 2007

Yalpaca Pr0n Friday

Today's pr0n is brought to you via Acorn Street Shop in Seattle. A really neat store, with a whole wall of WOOL!! Cascade, Lopi, and tons of others. They sure had a ton of yarn in that small store, again some I've never seen IRL. Very friendly and helpful staff.

I really loved the hat so I got the pattern first, then the yarn (I told you real helpful staff :)
No name, but more of a denim blue color. When I got home I remembered this yarn will work well also. After that, I'll double or triple strand yarns if I make anymore.


See here, you can tell it is more denimy...

Soooo very soft too!

Who wouldn't love a blanket in this...but then who could afford to!! Yikes!!

This post was an interesting mix of computerness...We finally received our new computer..Yay..kind has no photoediting software so I had to upload to laptop then to flickr. I have to move what is on hubby's laptop. We are having internet/dsl issues with the new one and had to so far upgrade a router. Still with ISP problems so service person to visit tomorrow. I am posting this via IE, which for some reason is working on new pc..then it doesn't....then it does.....

I am loving not typing on a laptop though, especially since hubby has a long paper for me to do this weekend. See, 20+yrs later and I still am typing for goodies. In the *cough* days before word processors and computers, but thankfully electric typewriters, I used to type papers for fellow students. Sometimes I got cash, sometimes I got a certain brown bottle that starts with a K and ends with an A, sometimes other goodies. Fast forward 20+ years and I'm still doing someones papers. But what do they call it now...not typing..inputting, computering. Heck I keep calling the ENTER key RETURN...LOL, my kids look at me like I'm clueless...what the heck is a RETURN key???? DS loves to also remind me how "big" computers were back then...hmmm


IrishGirlieKnits said...

Love that hat pattern! Super cute! And who can resist alpaca...yummy!!! Can't wait to see that hat knit up :)

cpurl17 said...

ooh I've fondled that yarn before and it's dreamy!! The hat is going to be adorable.

Acorn is one shop I've been to on a visit to Seattle and I remember that they were very friendly.

Anonymous said...

Oh yummy, this yarn is just too gorgeous! I'm totally in love with this denim blue, and it looks soft enough to jump right into it! And that hat pattern is sooo supercute too!
Yay for the new computer - and do have fun typing up all these pages! ;)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful yarn and love the hat!

Congrats on your new computer. Have a great weekend!

Bezzie said...

Ali RAKed me a skein of that Baby Alpaca, so I can literally stroke mine while looking at yours and get the full effect.

Hee hee, I always offered to type papers for hubby, but he insisted on doing it himself. No wonder it took him 3 extra months to finish his thesis--he two-finger types! Drives me nuts!

Karen said...

Ooooh, so pretty. How funny, I just stumbled across the Acorn Street Shop web-site the other day while searching for shawl patterns. What a small world.

Will type for Kahlua, huh? Now it's probably Will type for yarn!! :) Good luck on the internet problems, here's hoping they are all solved soon!

Batty said...

Soft and shiny and squishy!

I think I'd also type for chocolate, mudslides, and cheesecake. Yum. If you've reached the limit of kahlua intoxication where typing becomes... erratic, try some of the above.

Come to think of it, why type first? Keep the chocolate and kahlua flowing!

sgeddes said...

Hmm, that yarn looks wonderful! I like the hat pattern too!

I hope the rest of the computer problems get all worked out very soon.

Macoco said...

The pattern is very cute. That's one of my favorite yarns to use for hats because it's so incredibly soft. And the picture on the label just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Anonymous said...

Love that alpaca! Reminds me of the Catalina alpaca I have in my stash..hmmm. Have a great weekend!

Dk's Wife said...

Okay, I have 5 skeins in the Baby Grande Alpaca in red. I want to knit something out of it so badly, but have no idea. It is so soft. It is very expensive, but I lucked out and got the skeins at the local yarn store for 60% off! The store was closing.

KnitPastis said...

Oh baby I bet that is some soft Alpaca yarn. I love the navy color!! Probably my favorite color of all!!
Kahlua, that's a good pass the bottle and let's have a drink:)

lobstah said...

Ha ha ha, I still call it a "return" key too! Everyone I work with is my age or older though, so they know what I mean. Didn't the keyboards on old computers from the early 80's still call them return keys?

Anonymous said...

What a sweet kitty face in the previous post.

My LYS sells that stuff, I have to hide from it, otherwise it'll jump in my bag and come home. I'm thinking it should be used for carpeting because well who wouldn't want their feet to touch that lusciuos stuff. But then my feet love really soft stuff. I'm a bit odd.

Jennifer said...

Ooo, lovely yarn.

I had a word processor/typewriter in college. They don't make them anymore.

Pinkwool said...

I remember messing around on my Mom's electric typewriter. Then later in highschool I actually had to use the thing for some of my papers. I like my 'puter better than the old typewriter.

Gorgeous yarn! Don'tcha hate it when you cannot find a worthy enough pattern for your yarn? I'd be hard pressed to not be sitting and petting the skein all day. Lol

Stacie said...

when I saw that yarn, I drooled, for real... gotta get a hankie... there, anyhoo! love the typing story! I had a job that I had to use a type writer at, and I always joked with the "ladies" about it. Like "what's this thing?" Hee hee... old technology is funny...

msubulldog said...

I love the corkscrews on that hat! So cute. :)

Jessica said...

I love that yarn. I can't believe I haven't purchased any of it yet! I like the hat pattern as well.

Rain said...

Lol, I call it RETURN too, these young'uns!

The yarn for the hat looks so warm and cuddly.