Thursday, May 03, 2007

Fry....why can't I!!!

I need severe help in the frying department!!

Case in point...tonite, trying to fry schnitzel (pork tenderloin pounded thin) and breaded with crumbs. I love my cast iron skillet and I put it on high, then turn down to med. high...put meat in..turn when light brown..

Result...burned spots in various places, not fully cooked in other places. (note to self, pound them a bit thinner!)

I've tried so many different ways...please help me not to burn the outside, but cook the inside!

Chicken is a whole nother problem...but we usually oven fry that now..same taste, hardly any fat. I use these Breaders!

We eat deep fried food like this, maybe once a month if that. The rest is oven frying or baking. I have a deep fat fryer, but when I do these, not the same taste..sigh...

I kid the boys on needing barbeque lessons-re: charcoal chicken, steak and ribs...

They are nice with me, they don't point out the burnt, spotted coating and not fully cooked meat...I guess they don't want me to stop cooking!! :P

More blanket knitting for me tonite!! I want to knit my socks, but...must...knit...blanket!


Bezzie said...

OOf. Well I guess that's why you don't call the blog Z Knits....and Fries.

Pinkwool said...

When I am making my chicken parm, I usually will fry the chicken until the brading is brown and then toss the mess into the ove n for a quick 20 min bake so I don't get the under cooked bits.

Are you on an electric or gas stove? You'd think that the cast iron would be better as dispersing the eat evenly and eliminiate the hot spots.

Other than that, I have no other bits of advice. Lol

Dk's Wife said...

Well, when I attempt to fry things usually the coating gets stuck to the pan. I don't understand it, and hence, I do not fry much....unless it is in the deep fryer.

MOF, tonite is fried shrimp and fish in the deep fryer!

Oh, nothing tastes better than fried foods!

Anonymous said...

My pans are such crappy ones that when I fry the first batch is underdone, the middle batch is ok, and the third batch is all burnt crunchy bits.

My brother has a fry-daddy, and I am jealous.

Ragan said...

mmm....good questions. i haven't cooked with cast iron in AGES. hmmm...maybe that is why i don't fry much.

Anonymous said...

This post makes me hungry! I'm typically the one who burns everything (gets me out of cooking a lot of things), so I can't be of much help. ;)

Anonymous said...

Schnitzel: I usually fry them in a little layer of olive oil, combined with 50 grams butter. Works perfect this way. But you have to stay with them in order to turn them and get them out in the right time.