Claudia Handpainted in Loopy Colorway. Hehe..I spy yellow!!

Sock clubs can be fun, I recommend it if you can or want to join, as it does get you from being in a color rut. It did it for me...I mean come on now, those who know I dislike yellow...*cough* there's a lot of yellow going on around here...maybe I'm cured...well I'll never be cured for pure yellow yarn...now golden, that's another story for another YPF ;)
Mmmm...very nice!!! Baby steps to the yellow yarn..baby steps!
I agree, sock clubs are so great for getting us out of our color comfort zones. It's so fun to receive a colorway you would have passes right over without a glance, and to realize that you really do love it!! And with that yarn you've got there, it isn't hard. :) Fun!!
That's a gorgeous colorway! Love it. The Sky Sock Architechture in New Pathways would show that off really well. It's the one I'm going with for the Panda from last week's yarn porn.
I think it's beautiful! And it's more of a sunny and warm fall, not the russet, green and brown kind. Just right for your 93 degree fall weather. Have fun with it!
what a happy color! like sunshine! it is supposed to be really warm here this weekend too....
I love it - (even the yellow!)
Im not a yellow girl either but I love that colorway! If I knit socks faster I might get in a sock yarn club but I have about 15 pairs waiting on me already. lol
Aumumn... pfft. Its gonna be near 90 for the next week. *sigh* I love fall... jeans, sweaters, crisp air... what's not to love?
I'm not a yellow person either but I absolutely Love this!!!!!! Georgeous.........
For some reason, it rings tropical to me - so Monkeys would be great! ;) Think of golden pina coladas...
You should consider giving the pattern that came with the yarn a try. It's really quite nice and makes a beautiful sock. Check out my projects page on Ravelry to see my finished socks. I found the pattern addicting and the finished socks are very comfortable.
awfully great coloureway! me envy!
Oh, pretty! The yellow is cute in this yarn, but yes pure yellow is something to stay away from. (shudder)
This colorway is so gorgeous, it does inspire - and now I would like some 60 degree weather and crackling leaves to go with it!:)
Oohhh...very pretty colorway!
I think I need to join a sock club next year!
Yeah - that seems more late summer colors than fall colors... but very pretty!
Those are perfect colors for a late summer! Enjoy the warmth before the frost kicks in!
Amazing colors! Me thinks I need to join a sock club too.
What gorgeous colors!
That colorway is gorgeous! It's so "fall" and bright and cheery. Just like the sunsets this time of year! Enjoy!
Love the colors! I would suggest that you think gold - not yellow. MAybe that will help!
I haven't done anything with mine yet. Except for petting it everytime I walk by. It's so cheery.
Love the sock yarn! That's a neat twist on autumn. It's a little brighter than normal. Can't wait to see it knit up!
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