Remember all these pockets!

Well, see what's inside. For those that wanna know:
-1 multi sided wallet
-1 mess o'coupons
-1 eyeglass case-with glasses inside..oops...supposed to be wearing them
-new cool gum in black case
-blue case with important medical things as hand cream, hand salve, lip balm, inhaler, and other necessities ;)
-Cell phone- yeah I don't have a camera or etc...I like plain phones
-1 massive set o'keys...hey at last count over 19 and I won a contest and got free $$ off of my son's shoes!
-3 bags of elastics for DD's braces..grrr the only way I can ensure 24/7 coverage!!
-loose lip balm-Burt's Bees Pomegrante...yum
-1 neck holder thingy for my million and one government ID's..one to get into gate and on post, 1 to get into hospital, one to get into secure, secret areas (ha! the ER???)(don't get me started on the new secureness of my
-1 checkbook and tons of receipts to record...sigh...ignorance is bliss sometimes ;)
-1 awesome hand lotion I use sparingly from a contest at Trillian42's a while ago.
-1 appointment book..
-1 first aid kit - blue rectangle thingy
-1 appt. reminder for foot torture
-1 cool shades (gotta love my side pockets for the glasses!)
-1 Sock in progress!! It's a slow going one, but I am never without something to knit... it lives

First off all, I love the blue and brown of the purse - and I wish my bag had secret pockets like that!
What does it say about me that I find the contents of your purse fascinating? Love the colors of the Claudia handpaint!
Good lord, lookit all those keys! Are you sure you don't have a set to get into my house, too?
I'm with ya on the phone. Mine has a camera, but I never use it. I keep looking through the circulars in the paper, waiting for someone to come out with a cell phone that, you know, just makes phone calls. :P
Your purse is really pretty, and the contents so varied and interesting! My purses are fairly boring. I have a few and since I rotate which one I'm using, I have to clean them out fairly frequently.
I still love that purse! :)
Love that purse!
Well, I think you give me a run for the money with stuff you're carrying around, LOL!
My purse guts look like yours!! ONly crammed into a tinier purse :) I'm way behind on the blogstalking!! This assignment scares me more than the last one! I do love the purse!!
Yay pockets! I loves my pockets. :)
How do you like the Haiku bags -- worth the $$?
Cool bag!
Don't the Haiku bags carry absolutely everthing? Love 'em. Thanks for giving us a peek.
Burts Bees is the best!!
Wow, that Haiku carries a ton and doesn't fit my big-dumpy-bag moratorium. Very cool!
I like the bag Zonda. I always wish for one with lots of pockets but then I remember I have no organizational ability and go back to throwing everything in a glorified trash bag.
Also You must be important to have all those keys.
Love, love, love the haiku bag!
I love your guts! I like the sock, too! You're so cool.
A bag with more pockets than a mad uncle's overcoat.
And I knew one of you would have an enormous set of keys if I kept looking.
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