Knitting Betty and Jen, who is the co-creator of my needle cases, or should I say the person behind the start of them. Which BTW, thanks again my peeps out there for buying them, encouraging me to mass produce them, and just being cool about them!

Mine and Jen's socks chilling together!!

Kemtee and Pam knitting away. Pam's knitting on her shawl of 3,000 plus stitches..she knits and crochets a mean shawl...almost makes me want to knit one...almost!

The Bee Lunch, yeah they were all over our food! Luckily no one got stung. But we had fun chatting and knitting a bit. (far L-Illiane, Pam, Shannon, Aimee, and YoYoKnits and her hubby across from her.) (geesh, the only picture I have of you Shannon, sorry!)

Donna's friend (sorry didn't get her name), Donna, and Cristi, oh and Paulie Walnuts, my new friend. Tried to sneak him away from Cristi...sigh..but failed.
Oh, and in case the whole blogisphere didn't know it by now, Cristi got some Wendy autographed patterns from Aimee's contest.

As for those pictures of our haul, you'll see mine on upcoming YPF's, I only have the lower right corner...not too bad, I did behave a bit and 2 skeins are on their way across the atlantic as we speak.
How fun!
Looks like you all had so much fun!! I wish the country was a bit skinnier so I could drive over!
Glad you had a good time!
Looks like a great time!
What a great time!! And it looks like summer!
Looks like you all had so much fun! Can't wait to see your haul!
What a great time! Hanging out with knitters and spinners, what fun!
That looks like it was so much fun!
What a great time! Who could be more fun that knitters and spinners?
I gotta go to SAFF next year. I wonder if I can wrangle a trip to both Rhinebeck and SAFF out of husband? Hmmm....
It was a lot of fun! We'll have to go again next year!
Loved seeing your SAFF photos! I feel so blessed to have met all you wonderful women and to count you among my friends. Can't wait until we can all get together again.
PS. My friend's name is Carolyn. She now is a LLama Mama!
Looks like so much fun, and i'm looking forward to the peeks at your haul :-)
The long arm shot came out pretty well!
Those were some good pictures, looks like you all had some good ole times!!! But I want to see the "real" saff pictures. You know the ones that I am talking about. :)
:) Now I know why my traffic spiked yesterday!
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