Saturday, December 22, 2007

You Snag!!!

by Pixieriot

You Snag
DB Baby Cashmerino in black
US 2 Inox Circulars-magic looped..heh, what else lately!
Started Dec. 6-Finished Dec. 11-road trip knitting
For Darling Daughter, who loves almost anything in black!

You Snag See them flat!

You Snag Not too bad for taking the picture yourself huh!! It was so liberating to drop those stitches..hehe..nope you can see I have not knit a Clapotis yet.

I had only one skein of the yarn that I got in a recent swap, I could have made them a bit longer, but you know they sure aren't for warmth, but for look.

Her penquin is going well..hoping to lock myself in my bedroom today to finish, then I must oil my serger and get crackin' on 3 cuddlewraps and her penguin fleece blankey!! I think I am going to try some fingering weight yarn to use on it. You see I use serger yarn (hehe way before I even started to knit) and it is pretty expensive when you use 2-3 cones (tiny ones) per project...I thought..hmm for those yarns you have that you may not like to knit with, you can serge with (upper/lower loopers only)

Oh, another reason for the title besides DD's DS snagged his SAT results!! Yes, he is now qualified for the next step in getting a NROTC scholarship. (which if he chooses either school we visited this's gonna need it!!)

So now the waiting continues to see if he is offered it. He also heard from VMI, and he's accepted there. He now has 4 colleges to choose from, 1 instate (and still waiting to hear from another one), and 3 out of state. He knows the weight of his decision and what accepting a scholarship like that entails, so even though we know what we want him to do..well he's 18 now (sniff) and the decision is his......

Well I'm off to take care of him, 4 wisdom teeth out before the holidays...eeek! Grocery shopping, then back to sew/knit/cook/clean for the rest of the weekend. Oh and have I got a Happy Bird ending for you, but that'll have to wait....


Karen said...

Great mitts. And good luck on the penguin - I still have a wee bit of Christmas knitting to finish up too.

What great new about DS . . . well, the college and SAT stuff, not the wisdom teeth stuff. Hope he is feeling much better soon.

Sarah Jackson said...

Goodness! So much going on!

Hooray for good SAT scores. I know how nervewracking it is to wait for them. Take good care of him and don't do what my mom did when I had mine out - she brought over my friends to cheer me up and all they did was point and laugh at my chipmunk cheeks. Guess I needed nicer friends.

Jennifer said...

Very cute mitts! Ouch about DS's wisdom teeth removal. I hope the rest of your X-mas preparations go well.

bmom said...

Very stylish mitts! I've done fingering yarn in my serger for fleece blankets -- it worked well. Hope your DS feels better. Ouch, ouch.

KnitPastis said...

Cool job on the mitts and your DD will totally thank you for those.

That's great news he got accepted to 4 collages. Fantastic!

My brother-in-law just had his four wisdom teeth out the day after his visit with us. Speedy recovery to your son.

sharon said...

mitts are adorable. Look great in a solid colour. Why is it that with Christmas only 3 days and sleeps away, we have a million things to do?
Keep on going.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Those mitts are adorable!! So cute!!

Congrats on DS! You must be so proud!!

I agree, a million things to do still!!

weezalana said...

Very punk rock mitts!

Congrats to DS! You must be so proud! And yikes, all 4 wisdom teeth out before the holidays? Well, I'm sure the presents will make him feel better. ;)