Hmmm, I'm calling this a Hollyboxwoodforsythia bush.

You see a few years ago, I planted a few sprigs of forsythia (yellow flowers) behind the hollybush. Now they are intermingled and give interesting colors.

My lone crocus....where are your friends??
My new friends...ahhh is it wrong to love a pair of shoes sooo much??

Not only do they look fab and show off your socks....

They are the most, most, most comfortable shoes I've ever put on. Pillows on the feet! I won't be wearing these at work, too many holes and too pretty. I am sooo getting a pair in another style for work. I stand on concrete based floors with heavy lead aprons and I have to constantly change shoes depending on the type of day I have...sure could have used them yesterday ;)

Hehe...I took this one myself..won't explain how though... Klogs showing off my socks!
ETA direct LINK ! Sorry, I guess no one can see my links, gonna have to change the colors :)
Need to know the name of those shoes. They are soooo cute.
Your flowers are lovely. Every year I think about planting a garden or something but I never get around to it. Heh. Knowing me, I'd probably find a way to kill everything off in half the time it took to get it all in the ground. Still, a girl can dream : )
Love those shoes!
I love the shoes! I bought 2 new pair of shoes this year just for showing off the socks. Handknit socks are too nice to hide.
You are killing me!!! I love those shoes and almost always wear clogs too!
I also love your shoes...oh and to see the spring flowers...One of my favorites is the forsythia....
Pretty garden. That's one thing I'm really looking forward to doing when we move 'up north'.
The shoes are so cute :0) Of course you have to have another 'pair ;0)
I can't believe all the greenery you have - you must be further south than me! Our tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils are only 5 - 6" sprouts right now.
And those shoes are darling. I am really feeling the itch to buy more shoes...
WOW! Lookit all your leaves! And flowers! Around here, we're just starting to see the spring flowers. And no leaves yet, no way.
Cute shoes! And socks too, of course.
I love your new shoes! Where did you get them?
You are not helping me save money for camp! I went straight to the site and now I want two pairs (the plain mary jane is super cute too). I can not resist good looking and comfortable shoes.
Great shoes! Where they from?
Love the shoes!! Borns? Those are my faves!
Like Sam, I might go searching for new shoes right now (since I'm on a yarn diet..hehehe). Yay spring is here!!
The shoes look great! I've learned though, you can't go showing off your shoes and then not tell anyone what they are. Do tell!
Pretty and comfortable? That's the magic combinations! I'll definitely look for those next time I'm at DSW!
I love those shoes; they're so pretty and there's nothing more comfy than a good clog.
You have blossoms! And,and, are those LEAVES???!!! My lawn is still brown and I don't think I have any leaves on any trees either. Phooey. I'm jelaous. Adn I love those shoes! Love. Want. Bye!
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