We're trying to relax and go with the flow, but when you are already supposed to be home and sleeping in your own bed by now, not being able to can be quite frustrating.
Why you ask...why the longer vacation??
See flying object vs. minivan.....minivan lost.

On Friday, while driving about 70mph on a very busy interstate, a tiedown strap-complete with metal, flew off a flatbed trailer truck. I was just looking up from my knitting when I saw it and warned hubby who tried to avoid it and not cause an accident. Sadly, we couldn't and it hit the passenger tire (more like stabbed it) and I guess we ran over it. It happened so quickly!! Hubby got us off the interstate as quickly and safely as possible. We ended up with 2 flat tires and some other minor damage that we could see. He did great though, we didn't hit anyone else...phew!
It was scary to say the least! We had just changed drivers, so glad I wasn't driving, not sure I could have controlled it as well as he did.
We had no idea where we were, the GPS helped a bit so we could tell the tow truck where to pick us up. Then they had to call us a ride as there was no room for the 3 of us in the cab.
Fast forward to the garage finally looking at it (sigh..they were busy!) to discover we needed a new rim (a specialized, hard to find one!) and strut for the tire that bore the brunt of impact. Parts were put on order. I was on the phone with insurance company (work and vets office too)...oh did I tell you that this is my in-laws van..well, yeah. So glad I had added rental car to the claim, cause we needed one. Finding one was a nightmare...Friday nite at 4:30pm...near Boston...yeah! Finally got one and then proceeded to find a hotel to book until Tuesday. Yes, you heard it right. The parts are supposed to be there then and we hope to get on the road later that day and home by Wednesday.
We've been in a state of shock, frustration, and mostly, thankful. It could have been so, so much worse.
Our hotel has a pool and internet, so I've been able to catch up on blogs and other stuff. I spent Saturday doing laundry as we didn't want it sitting in the van for 4 days. Yay for hotel laundrymats. I read a bit, and finally starting knitting today.
Finished sleeve 1 of FLS! Woot, finally huh! 1 more to go!
Started a dishcloth for a Knitting Guild member who is moving soon. We are all knitting her one as a going away gift. Just got the message on Saturday and it's due this Saturday (along with a Shawl KAL to start that I have the patterns too...please let me be home!)
Pattern is Starfish cloth and it's going pretty fast. There is a Joann's down the road a bit so I got a skein of Sugar n' cream. Gosh, it's the softest I've ever knit with too.

Our room is pretty good, you can see dueling computers....

On one hand, it is nice to have more down time together....on the other hand...the added expenses, extra time off from work, dog and cat really being po'd at staying at vets for almost 3 weeks...and uncertainty of when the van will actually be fixed.
We are truly thankful that we are all ok, it's only a van (even if it isn't ours).
This will truly be a vacation to remember in many ways. I have lots of pics to go through when I get home and some other stuff :)
Ughh. So sorry to hear about the car trouble! I was keeping my fingers crossed the whole way coming home from my last trip after what happened the time before. Luckily for me, the parts the mechanic didn't have were at a parts supply place next door. I hope the rest of your journey home is uneventful!
And what did I do when I was stuck last time? I knit a green and white dishcloth with some Sugar n' Cream!
Here's hoping the rest of your journey home is uneventful and that you can try to enjoy your extended downtime.
HOly crap that sucks. And I'll bet with all the excitement you guys probably weren't able to ID the culprit truck who did this. So annoying!!!
OMG - I am so glad that it wasn't worse and you are all okay!
Look on the bright side; at least you won't have loads and loads of laundry to do when you get home :)
Are you downtown Boston? Walking around downtown is a wonderful way to spend the day.
How fortunate that you're all OK -- but accidents like that are so scary. Sounds like you're in our neck of the woods -- if it was 495, that's one very busy highway.
Yikes! I'm glad you weren't driving, too. That would have freaked my shit out.
Good thing you took enough knitting with you! :)
YIKES! Glad you're all ok. Any chance of tracking down that semi so that he has to pay for all of this?!
I'm glad you are all okay!!! Scary!
The starfish cloth is taking shape very nicely. Isn't that a fun cloth to knit?
WOW how scary! Yes it is nice to have a few extra downtime days, but when it's not what you expected, PLUS the added expense, it takes away some of the fun of it. Thank goodness you have the computers and the laundromat and the pool. Does the hotel have a breakfast buffet at least? Oh and will your insurance pay for the hotel and other expenses? I know some of them offer that.
Yikes! Glad you're all okay! That totally sucks, but it sounds like you're trying to make the best of a bad situation, which is always a good thing. :)
You know, if this were an episode of CSI, they could ID the trucker from epithelials (sp?) on the strap or a serial number or something. ;)
Thankfully none of you got hurt! Definitely an adventurous turn to your vacation. Hopefully you'll be able to get home with no more drama.
Glad you are all OK! Shit happens and sometimes you can't do anything about it!
BTW, love the dishcloth pattern - calling my name to try it!
Oh honey!!! I'm so glad the only thing that got hurt was the van. I'm sending positive thoughts that the part will come in tomorrow and you'll be on your way home before you know it!!
Stay safe...glad you are ok.
You guys are safe and that's all I'm worried about. The rest is just stuff.
(Yeah, I know. I don't have to pay the deductible.)
So glad you are okay! I'm sure it was scary, stressful, not fun. But thank goodness you are safe!
The dog and cat will quickly forget! Keep knitting and wishing you a safe rest of the way home!
i once had a plain old blow out happen on the 401 hwy at one of the busiest spots. That put us behind by a few hours and I was pissed. I can't imagine behind by DAYS! At least you have some fun stuff to fill in the hours...
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