Eeek, I almost forgot!
10 favorite Holiday shows (in no particular order)
1. Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer - the abominable snowman! Oh and of course Rudolph. I always wanted a Charlie in the box too!
2. A Charlie Brown Christmas - Our first Christmas in our first house. Hubby wanted to get a tree off of our land..um..he sure did, looked just like Charlie Brown's ;)
3. Elf - what can I say Will Ferrell is pretty funny in this.
4. It's a Wonderful Life - every year, it's a tradition.
5. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - hubby loves these and laughs every year like it's the first time he's seen it. Clark Griswold, what a trip! Oh and that turkey...so, so dry ;) oh, and the cat in the tree...haha!
6. Scrooged - I too like the Bill Murray version
7. A Christmas Story - I'd love that leg lamp! I think it'll go good in my fiber room ;)
8. The Little Drummer Boy - every year when I was little, I loved this!Don't know why, maybe because my Dad used to play drums...I did too during high school. Haven't watched it in years...may have to.
9. White Christmas - What can I say, an oldie but goodie. Plus I'm ALWAYS dreaming of a White Christmas....
10 Babes in Toyland - Laurel and Hardy! I used to always watch any L & H movie I could find! A blast from the past or what...am I telling my age yet ;)
What shows do you like? :)
Great list! I guess I should give A Christmas Story another try. I think it's on everybody's favorite list but mine!
I love this list too! It's not really a "Christmas" movie but I love the movie "Love Actually" and always watch it at Christmas time.
And, to be really sappy, I'll spend an afternoon wrapping presents with the Hallmark channel on watching holiday movies!
It's all about the Muppet Family Christmas for me. Muppets, Fraggles and the Sesame Street gang, all together. Awesome.
The other thing I love to watch is a taped-off-the-TV version of a traditional British panto production of Aladdin with Ross Petty (also Karen Kain & Jeff Hyslop). It's not really related to Christmas at all except for the fact that panto is a British Christmas tradition, but I still love it.
I can't get behind Rudolph, though. I mean, it's bad enough for the other reindeer to be mean to Rudolph and his nose, but for Santa to be a jackass about it too? Until he's useful? I just can't accept that. At least Clarice is a decent... reindeer being.
And dianne, you're not alone on A Christmas Story. I watched it once and really didn't get the appeal either.
The leg lamp...Great movie list!
The Year Without a Santa Claus. Heat Miser and Cold Miser crack me up. Also need the original Miracle on 34th Street.
I cannot watch Little Drummer Boy. Watched it when I was a kid and got so upset Mom had to turn it off. I tried it again year before last and still had to turn it off.
Love Actually
It makes me pine for home and it's an awesome movie, full of love and Hugh .
I must be the only person on the face of the earth that didn't like Elf. :-(
I don't really have a favorite Christmas movie --- maybe It's A Wonderful Life, but once you've watched a couple of times you kinda remember how it goes. LOL
My Christmas standards: Elf, A Christmas Story, and Nightmare before Christmas. I LOVED Frosty the Snowman as a kid (maybe because the little girls name is Karen), and I always forget about Babes in Toyland. I will have to find a way to work that into the viewing schedule this year. Thanks for reminding me!
We have three: Elf, Christmas Vacation, and Christmas Eve on Sesame Street.
Although Christmas Vacation will be sooooo much nicer to watch with NO squirrels in my ceiling!
How fun to be reminded of these favorites. Thanks!
Many of the same on your list! Charlie Brown is my fave. Rudolph, White Christmas, It's a Wonderful Life, and Miracle on 34th Street (old or new). We watched the end of Scrooged last night, which is the best part!
Definitely Love Actually. I can't believe I haven't seen it yet this year!
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