Your heels!

Cuffs brought to you by JSSBO

one side...

and the other side!

Frankensquirrel Polwarth by GLBLF
handspun by moi!
US 3, circular via magic loop
Knit toe up, using 48 sts. Short row heel as I was worried about yardage and I didn't want to have short cuffs. A new trick I learned on the SRH with this tutorial. Basically, you wrap and turn one stitch on each side of the instep stitches to help close the gap that can happen when you start knitting the entire sock again. Of course I used my usual bind off (see link above) for rib.
They are heavy, and dense, but oh so lovely! I had to let go and let the handspun show, you know, not try to play with the colors or match up the stripes. I had about 200 yds so no being picky was allowed. I love how the colors all intermingled and the stripes are just subtle.
I'm sure not my last handspun socks!! Just wished it was a wee bit colder so I could wear them :(
This would be all that was left!

I actually had to frog back one cuff about 3 rows (glad I didn't bind off all the way ;) as sock 2's cuff was shorter...since they are called Frankensocks I was going to live with the cuff length difference...I couldn't ;) and I wanted some repair yarn too.
You didn't think I could totally give in to no matchy, matchy something did you?
Holy sock mojo, batman!! They came out great! You are some sort of ossim, Zknitter!!
Those are some of the prettiest socks I've ever seen!
WOW! Love them!
Awesome! They'll bring a smile to your face every time you wear them!
I love love love them, Z! :D
What a wonderful pair of cushy socks. Your feet will be so happy:)
look so cozy!
absolutely beautiful :0)
They may not be a match, but they're pretty darn close! Just think the only thing you didn't do to make those socks was raise the sheep!
They look wonderful! I'm so jealous of all the handspun socks I've been seeing. I'm going to have to get some handspun yarn soon.
They are gorgeous!! Come visit me - it's plenty cold enough here for those socks. And if you forget to pack them, K.C. napping on your feet makes a good warmer too. ;) (She's napping on my feet right now - LOL)
I don't do short-row heels often because of the holes - thanks for the tutorial, I'm going to give it a try!!
Ooo. Niiiiiiiice. Really.
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