Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Look! Up in the sky!!!

As I was packing up the truck for our 2nd WWKIP (I'll post about that later ;) event early Saturday morning. I heard the dog barking and looked up and saw these!!

Balloon Saturday
Cool or what!

This one looked like it was going to land on a neighbors house, but it didn't.

This one too, in almost the same position.

stripe balloon
Blue skies or what!  I love my blue skies around here ;)

O balloon
This one almost landed in my back yard. At least I thought so for a minute ;)

balloon dirt
You can see here where they are getting ready to build another house.  Yes, 3 around me are in progress.

balloons near house
Which you can see right here.

Made me smile all day :)


dianne said...

That would be a beautiful sight to see!

Kaye said...

People don't balloon around here...probably no where to land! LOL!

They're not too original with the road names in your hood are they? ;-)