**Please note, this is the prototype! For viewing of what future cases will be like check out Jen's**
Now for the details. I've had many requests already. Yikes! (thank you!!) Now those that know me well, know I love to help everyone out, but sometimes my life gets in the way, YKWIM! ;) And it doesn't help that I'm type A and a bit too particular on my sewing stuff! I do work fulltime outside of the home and still want to do my knitting, etc... oh yeah, I do have the kids and hubby that want my attention once in a while LOL! ;) Just please be patient with me. :)
So for the time being, I'm going to make up cases with fabrics I have onhand now, then offer them here for sale. (pssst. I have some good AB fabrics and other things too!) I may look into Etsy soon also. Kind of see how it goes. As much as I love to sew, I don't want to get too burned out either. (I did previously with the circular cases I made...sigh!)
I'll be selling them for $25 plus postage. (for the needle cases only, if I do make any totes/box bags, they'll be a different cost) If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
zknitterAT gmail DOT com.
As for custom orders, I think the only kind right now would be if you were to send me the outer fabric and I'll match the inner lining, etc. to it. Otherwise, it'll be whatever combo I come up with.
I'm going to see how things go as I don't want to overwhelm myself with more sewing than knitting time LOL! Darned job gets in the way! ;)
Thanks for reading! :)
ETA: I do have a dog and a cat. FYI in case someone is allergic! I just wanted you to know!
I like!! Very nice.
It's beautiful!
Don't forget us little people when you've become the next Namaste girl!
Those are so cute! I wish you the best in this venture!
Gorgeous!! Those are amazing!! I just checked Jen's site too...great job Zonda!! Ummm..yeah...count me in!!! And did I hear you mention tote/bag....hehehe!! Fabulous job Zonda!!
How many needle pockets are there? I know Jen used hers for her Options, but I hate Options and love my Boye Needlemaster (would you expect any less from a cheapass?). But the brown smelly vinyl case for them leaves much to be desired.
I love the way you've added little pockets for the various deeleybobs. I get paid on Friday, I might have to set aside $25...
You do good work, the case is beautiful!
Like Bezzie, I'm a cheapass, and I bought a case at Joanns with a coupon I had, and I hate it. Yet I've never quite seen the fascination behind those fancy designer cases.
Not anymore.
I want one of yours too. They're way prettier than the Lexi Barnes bags I've seen!
If you want help with your shop, let me know. It's pretty easy to set up and run, and God knows I have scads of time here.
The shop idea shounds like a good one! Seeing these cases makes me want to see all my turbos and get an interchangable set!
Is this going to be like all those indie-dyers that you have to stalk the store of because 5 minutes after they update they're sold out? If so, I'll never get any work done. I'll just sit there hitting "refresh" until one comes up that I can snag!
your cases are beautiful and i think that you have the right approach to selling them. it should be fun for you and not a burden.
Z you are too talented to be left alone LOL
Your designs are GORGEOUS. You must become the next Jordana Paige/Lexie Barnes. SERIOUSLY.
Love ya chica!
Yeah, what roxy said! You're incredibly talented, your cases are professional quality, and... do you happen to have any fabric with bats on it on hand? : )
These are amazing. I will be stalking your blog because I absolutely want one. And the other bags too. . .if you are making any. ;o)
I wanted one since seeing Jen's... and I don't even own Options! :)
Those are GREAT! I'm going to have to keep that in mind. I will definitely look into it when I get a job! They look really good and seem super functional.
It is amazing! An amazing work!
Wow.. just... WOW. I love it! I've been thinking about sewing up my own case, but this is awesome. I don't think my sewing skills are any match for yours.
I may have to dig in my stash of fabric for something I love for a custom case sometime. Oh yeah, and buy a set of options to actually go in the case. Yeah, that would be helpful.
Z, those really are great! When i grow up I want to be able to make excellent things like you make! :D
I love the case! what a great design!! Sue
Your case is amazing!! What beautiful fabrics, and a place for everything!!
Great job. It looks amazing and really useful.
These are so nice! I want one!
you have gots the skillz! that case is great and i think you should go the etsy way. i would buy one!
Way to go! Have you thought about offering the pattern for it? I'd definately buy the pattern from you!
I loved jens set in particular the fabric, I would be interested in the needle case and box bag if your taking orders :)
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