Wednesday, December 20, 2006

X is for.....

X-RAY! In 1895 X-rays were invented by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen! didn't stop by for a history lesson did you? Well click on the link above if you wanna know more! ;)

I started in the X-ray field in 1983, after I realized I didn't want to be an Accountant, wasn't for me. Besides I kept injured and getting x-rays for them. So one day, I asked and found out how to go to school for it...oh still don't want a history lesson do you??

My creation These are my X-rays! Taken over the years at work as I was ever so graceful when injuring myself! Upper Left-Neck xray after the box of film hit the side of my head in the darkroom--darkroom you say..yeah I used to have to use a film processor and clean them too. Now we are all digital which is sweet, unless the computer system goes down..anyhooo onward. The knee --gosh, I don't even remember...prolly bumped it or dropped something on it. The pinky finger--jammed it into something or yeah, dropped film or a cassette on was the case with the foot xray! A large film cassette slipped from my hands and almost chopped my big toe off! I'm such a klutz. Luckily...nothing severe has happened (knock on wood!)

I once almost scratched my cornea with a corner of x-ray film... Oh and sorry but you aren't going to see my "other" x-rays (hehe rhymes with chests)! ;)

X is for Xray Machine X is for Xray Machine This is where I work now! They let me operate million dollar equipment baybee! (well 1/4 million). I it pretty well ;) In case you are wondering what I do now. I still take x-rays, but not like the ones above. Now I get to work in the mini Operating area above and look at veins, arteries, and assist in a lot of procedures. I tell the patients as they ask if I'm the doc...nope the lovely assistant!

I hope you enjoyed my X post and a little view of my life that supports my fiber habit ;) Thanks for stopping by!


Scoutj said...

How cool!!! What is your exact title? Ts best friend is just about done with his Radiology Fellowship and then he and his wife will move here! It's crazy how he can work from home reading films!

cpurl17 said...

I bet you're everyone's favorite assistant and you make all your patients feel at ease.

I had a-xray today! Of tooth 13.

Bezzie said...

Wait a minute, you're having to get xrays because you're dropping xray materials on your various appendages?
Hee hee! Best X ever!

Anonymous said...

I knew you would do X-rays! And yes, we do want the history lesson.

LadyLungDoc said...

Nice C-arm on that flouro! We get the crap portable one in our bronch suite.

sgeddes said...

Cool X post! I bet the actual x-rays were hard to get a picture of! SOund like a cool job - much better than sititng in a cubicle world!

I've only ever had x-rays of teeth. Luckily no broken bones!

weezalana said...

Very cool X-rays! LOL that they're yours! At least they weren't knitting injuries. ;)

Aw man, I missed the blogiversary contest! I'll have to make sure I stalk more regularly next year. :)

Anonymous said...

Impressive! I once took x-ray (head)as a child was pretty amused with that!

Anonymous said...

It's cool that you had an "actual" x to go here. My mom works in a hospital on the floor just below where they do all the x-rays. She gets no cell phone reception because there's a lot of lead in the ceiling! She figures it's better than having xrays bouncing around in the office all the time.

Anonymous said...

Yay for X-rays - with you as an assistant I'd feel way more at ease than I usually do!
Your injuries look pretty scary though - fortunately nothing really bad happened!
Happy holidays, and all the very, very best to you and your family!

KnitPastis said...

Bet you know what the doc knows already, heehhee. One of those X-ray machines looks like a fun ride or something. You do some cool stuff there Z! Very proud of ya girl!

turtlegirl76 said...

I shoulda known you were going to use "X-Rays" for your X. Duh. I don't know what I was expecting to see, but definitely not your boney feet! Hee!

Jennifer said...

How interesting! That's some fancy equipment.

Anonymous said...

Very serious equipment there! Despite my intense fear of needles and all things medical, that is one thing I don't mind, x-rays---no pain! :P

joyce said...

you must give me information!
i'm an accountant and seriously want to change my career! i was thinking of nursing but not to sure about with two little ones i don't know if i'd have time to study!