Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wonder knitter vs. DPN

Ok, so you may remember the too short I-cord I made on the bag below. That cord was knit using the wonder knitter. That came out to 60" of I-cord, about my height. Thought it would be enough, but it wasn't.

So this time, I used 2 dpn's as the wonder knitter, fun, cute, object that it is, hurt my wrist. All the picking up and over action killed I knit it, and it really wasn't so bad. ;)

'90 90 inches of I-cord pre-felted

felted I-cord 68 inches of I-cord post-felted

I am quite sure this length will be perfect. I do know that the wonder knitter's gauge was looser than the dpn gauge. hmmmmm At least I know what length to make it next time!


cpurl17 said...

You are the cording queen!!

Anonymous said...

You knit 90 inches of i-cord? That would make me a raving lunatic! Glad it'll be long enough. Geez.

Anonymous said...

Have never tried wonder knitter - not cuase it can't be found here but because I am 145% sure my kids would take it from me justifying thenselves how their Barbie need a new dress! Sometimes life's a bitch!

Jessica said...

Congrats! That looks like Torture!! If I read that pattern, I'd be like "Where can I buy some purse handles?!"

Anonymous said...

Wow that's a lot of icord. I bet your glad it's over!

Jo said...

Good job! I have one of those wonder knitter things - but the only project I have used it for is to make a cord for Willow's mittens to keep them together!

Karen said...

Wow, that's a lot of i-cord!!! Great job. So, over all, which method do you prefer (aside from the writs pain)?

Anonymous said...

It looks like a pretty snake :)
I hate doing I-cord so I bought one of those things that does it for you (just like the wonder knitter, only it has a crank). I haven't used it yet, but when I make this bag I'm giving it a try because that's A.L.O.T. of I-cord!

Bezzie said...

Wow. 90 inches of i-cord? That's 1.45 Bezzies! I bow to your i-cord prowress!

Anonymous said...

Darn, and I thought the wonder knitter was a brilliant idea, but glad you got it done! The bag really turned out wonderful!

That winter quilt is just amazing work too!

Anonymous said...

Woah - quite a lot of I-cord, isn't it? But hey: Great job!

Rain said...

Rather you than me, that must have taken forever.