So what possessed me to purchase this??

(hairy) yarn. So.... not..... me.
But when placed next to this, which, would be something I'd buy anyways.

Yeah, I can see a scarf I'd wear, kinda dress up my LLBeaner barn coat! I mean, it's ok to be girly once in a while huh?
**disclaimer, these yarns were purchased on my trip to Seattle. I was so baffled and confused by a place where yarn is sorted by color, not brand or type. I am not responsible for this purchase (well, I am responsible for the Cash Iroha, but that other one um.. nope)......I was dazed and confused!!
Hehehe, yarn blackout. Wiputational hazard. ;)
Those two together would make a lovely scarf!
The Synergy makes all the difference!! Put together they are georgeous!!! :)
I'm blaming the time difference. ;-)
But they will go nicely together!
Tee hee, we all have our little yarn indiscretions. (Ask me about the Lion Brand Moonlight Mohair scarf - so not me, what was I thinking??) But yes, I think it is going to look great held together with the Noro. Good luck today, I'll be thinking of you!!
That's not something I'd go for either. I'd look at it, touch it and put it back.
Can't wait to see what it'll look like all knitted up!
Well I think the dazed and confused purchase will frill up that barn coat right nice!
I really do like the two together and everyone probably needs a little fru fru now and then!
Yes, together is the key. All alone...*poops shudders at the thought, being a non-artsy yarn kinda gal herself*
sorted by color? really? intersting. I think the scarf will be cute, fuzzy or no.
Put together with the Noro, that yarn will make a mighty fine scarf I think!
Hey, I remember that trip! I think those yarns will look very nice together.
ROFL...I know which yarn store you're talking about. It's Wild & Wooly in Poulsbo, right? They definitely have a different way of arranging things. I'm sure it'll make a gorgeous scarf when put together with the Casha Iroha.
Oi... I can't stand it when LYS's are sorted by color! My brain can't function that way!
I actually think the yarn will look nice and quite toned down next to the Noro :)
The two together do look nice. A bit of girlyness never hurt anyone... too much. ;)
Beautiful yarn! I can see why you bought it.
I think they'll be beautiful together!
They will make a beautiful scarf. Everyone needs a little glitz in their life.
I almost bought something very similar today. I've come to the conclusion that I just love beautiful yarn. I'm not a novelty yarn type of knitter either, but when the right stuff comes along, I go all ga ga. It'll look fabulous with that greenish yarn, you'll be so happy with the outcome. Just what you need when it gets gray and yucky out!
It's good to keep an open mind about these things ;)
They're very pretty. My yarn store guess is Tricoter - they also arrange by color. Inquiring minds want to know!
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