As for the results of the contest! Well, with that huge bag 'o yarn and projects, one would think I would be knitting like a fiend. Well, I did for me LOL, but as you know, sometimes knitting relaxes me so much, that I asleep. Riding in a back seat, watching the snow...suffice it to say, I did sleep quite a bit on this trip, making up for lost sleep I think.
Thanks to all of you who dreamed big for me!! Sadly it wasn't the case, but oh well!

The grand total is 4! Don't get confused by the 2 mug cozies. Those 2, plus the black You Snag wrist warmers were all started and finished on the trip. The other 2, which will be posted in full later this week (well actually you'll see all these projects again this week with their own time to shine). You see the "other" 2 had only 1 done of each pair. math is 3 full FO's, plus 2-1/2 FO's (which eventually equal 1 FO) brings the grand total 4. A few of you were close, don't be sad!
So....the winners are.....Carol and Cristi They both guessed 4 each and well you know, I'm feeling in the spirit (about darned time!) so they both get a prize...Cristi you know what your getting ;), well you actually don't but we've been in talks on something this week! (oh and sorry Aimee if she taunts you by singing 'bout her prize winnings again!!) and Carol, I'm emailing you to find out your choice.
Thanks everyone again!! It's early morning and about time for bed LOL! What can I say, I'm a nite owl! More later this week, I've got so much to show and talk about!
Happy Blogiversary!!
Happy Blogiversary Zonda! Thanks for the lovely knitting pictures and content. Here's to many more years and lots more of your lovely needle cases!
Happy Blogiversary Zonda!!
Wow!! 2 years!
Someday girle, we'll get to knit together IRL!
*I won some Zonda, I won some Zonda!* Hee! Yay! And Happy Blogiversary!! I need to keep track of that better. I had mine back in October. Meh. I might do something in January to celebrate 1 year at then again in July for 1 year without Lenny! Heh.
Happy blogiversary! Yah to Cristi & Carol!
I gotta make me some of those mug cozies!
Happy Blogiversary!!!!
May you have many more :-)
Happy blogiversary!!! :D
Where does the time go? Happy Blogiversary - here's to the next two years of yarny goodness.
Happy B-versary (I'm too lazy to spell it out)!
Nice FOs. I like those Cozies.
Happy 2nd Blogversary!
Happy Blogiversary!
Congratulations on 2 happy blogging years!
Keep on knitting!
Happy blogiversary, Zonda!
Happy Blogiversary!
It's funny that you sometimes fall asleep while knitting. I've done it once or twice and was wondering if I was the only one this happens to. It's not that knitting is boring, it's just so incredibly relaxing, and when it's also warm inside...
Here's to two fab years and many,many more!
Happy Blogiversary Zonda!
Great knits!
Happy Blogiversary!
P.S. Aw man! I was a mere half a FO off! :P
I'm a fall asleep with my knitting girl too :) Too damn relaxing sometimes!
Happy Blogiversary Zonda!! Here's to another fabulous year!!
Yay! Happy Blogiversary. =)
Happy Blogiversary! And a big congratualtions.
The projects look great and it seems like you had a great trip.
Happy blogiversary!
If she taunts me, well, I can take Cristi :) I will just threaten to take her chunky baby alpaca.
Happy happy Blogaversary!!!
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