Has turned into....

These awesome colors all together!

They are funky all together!

Well, since they are from Funky Carolina, they should be ;) Love her bright, vibrant colors!

2 skeins of BFL/Silk that was a dream to spin the singles. My most consistent single spin so far.
The navajo plying went pretty well too. I didn't break any singles, but I sure wished I had got more yardage. But I'm still a newbie singles spinner. Just when I think they are super thin...they aren't. I will be knitting these very soon.

Funkified Eegads
4 oz. BFL/Silk
109 total yards, navajo plied
worsted/light bulky weight
from Funky Carolina
Love those colors! I think my confirmation word describes it best, very "artive."
I are droolin'!
Navajo plying has a tendency to lessen your finished yardage, if I remember correctly... But it's so pretty like that, I wouldn't have done it any other way.
Wow! That yarn is beautiful! I love it. I don't spin, so I'm always in awe of how even spinners' yarns come out. This looks like so much fun to knit with. Make a really cute beret or something with it!
That, knitted up into one of those baby patterns!!! LOVE.
I really got to get my spin on!
Gorgeous! I love what you picked to knit with it too. It's a perfect match!
Love a billion! Great job!
Wow! That's gorgeous! I love the way those colors came together.
IMG, Love the color!
Really great Zonda! I'm in awe! That yarn will make great toasts!
OMG this yarn is GORGEOUS!!!!
Oooooh, so pretty. Can't wait to see the toast!!
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