Tuesday, March 27, 2007


As they say, life is on going, changing, etc...and so on! I was thinking today of just how much it has changed over the last month.....and only 1 thing happened.

For 17 years, (eeek that long!) my son has been dropped off in the morning and picked up in the evening by either my hubby or myself. The last 12 yrs Daddy has done the AM drops as he works close by the schools he's attended, since both schools (private elementary & High School) have no buses. The High school is a school of choice and not in our school "zone" we have to drop him off...no problem as it is a great school, college prep, etc. I usually did the afternoon pick ups of both children. His grandparents did the afternoon pick ups in HS from his freshman year until.......1 month ago.

You see (well if the insurance bill hike comments didn't tell you) he is driving to and from school now. So far he's been doing well (hope it continues) and let me tell you....just being able to "come" home for the first time in 17 years, right after work is amazing...Hubby picks up DD almost every day as it's close to his work. Talk about gas savings! I can go much longer on a tank of gas then ever before! Which now a days is perfect!

So I am "free" now..."free" to just come home......just this evening, I got home, did a few dishes that were hanging around, prepped for dinner, vacuumed, did some laundry, dusted, finished cooking dinner, tidied around a bit...and all done before 6:30.

Before, I would have to rush to pick up children (at one time they were at 2 different places), try to fit in an errand or two, hang out in lovely traffic, and hope dinner would somehow magically get on the table by 6:30...all the other stuff I can fit in now..well would wait until the weekend or later in the evening....if I got to it at all. No wonder I hated the weekends...all I did was clean....etc.

And knitting/sewing...no wonder it took forever to crank out those sewing and knitting projects..I should have a ton to show you...but I'm still getting used to this new freedom. Yeah I should be going to the gym, but you know what, it is just so nice to be able to have my family come home and dinner is usually ready. Not hearing..is it time yet, when is it going to be ready I'm starrrrving....I just smile and there it is. (there are days when we still get take out, and days when I run an errand and dinner is at 6:30 or later.....I'm not that perfect ;) and I don't want to be.

I don't feel rushed...I feel a bit of peace, it could possibly be that I am not fighting the traffic everyday. I don't live in a big city, just a place where people come from all over and "think" they know how to drive! Now if they would learn that green means go, not go slow, we'd all get somewhere around here! ;)

For all of you who still are dropping off/picking up family and "rush" to get dinner and all else done, hang in there!! Your turn will come too!!

My Monkey socks are hanging in there...I just wanna be done...I've been a good girl and have only alternated knitting secret project and these for the last week...I wanna swatch...

(pssst...did you hear that..I said I wanna s****ch???) See what some changes will do to ya!! ;)


aija said...

Yay for freedom! :) Oh, I've only got about 14 years to celebrate with you ;)

Jennifer said...

It'll be many more years before it is my turn, but I can live vicariously through you, right?

cpurl17 said...

You go girl with your new found freedom!! (And whatya mean you don't turn out knitting projects very quickly!? I think you're amazing!)

weezalana said...

Time. The greatest gift of all.

Wow, that sounded corny. But the sentiment was sincere! :)

Anonymous said...

Great you can finally "breathe" freelly in afternoon! So far I am not un rush-period, but guess wi'll all will be there one day - you got sooner - me later!

Anonymous said...

Freedom is a good thing! Don't get me wrong I love when my kids are at home but this year my youngest is in preschool and those few hours of peace are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I am jealous! As much as I love that my kids are involved in things, it would be nice to not have to run around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Bezzie said...

Sigh. My time is about to come. Of course having to take hubby to and from the train station each morning/afternoon is probably good practice right?
But it's good to know that there is an end in sight eventually!!!

Stacie said...

wanna swatch!!! my god, gal, you must have some serious free time!! LOL! Congrats on the driving offspring!! My oldest is 4, let's see... only 13 years to go!

sgeddes said...

Wonderful! Sounds like a little piece of heaven. Life can be sweet when things just wokr out so well!

Anonymous said...

Glad your enjoying your new found freedom!

Unknown said...

My mother says she planned our differences in age so that once the oldest started driving she'd never have to drive the rest of us around again. Of course, now that we're all grown, she admits that she'd be pacing around the house waiting for us to get there safely. It has got to be nice to now have an errand runner, school driver in the house.

Anonymous said...

I remember clearly when my daughter first got her license; first I was nervous then I was so relieved. No more bringing her all over creation or picking up and dropping off all her friends. I didn't take long to get used to having more free time!

Enjoy your free time; you've worked hard for it!

Batty said...

Congratulations on your new-found freedom! I remember my parents functioning as the 'cart my sister around town' cab company. Then she got her own driver's license... instant bliss! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

How great is that? Congrats on your new-found freedom! It'll probably take quite a bit of time to really get used to it, but you're *so* going to enjoy it - I see you actually already do!